Question Ryzen 5 1600X - 3.7GHz XFR vs 1.350V@4GHz

Apr 17, 2019
just my cents about XFR and fixed voltage and CPU speed. In RyzenMaster I see as XFR/auto/ voltage plays a lot from 1.25V and jump to 1.5V, while as 1600X Ryzen 5, never goes beyond 3.7GHz in speed.
Temperature varies 30-50C for XFR and stay almost fixed 35-40C for 1.350v and 4GHz.

Isn't fixed speed better, than XFR, my CPU is hotter with XFR auto voltage? At Least for 1600X.
In Ryzen Master you see only highest voltage that may be for only one core during the turbo boost, as turbo works mostly on some cores, not all. Some BIOS versions just push too high voltage presumably for stability.
Once you manually adjust frequency and voltage it would stay like that no matter what the load and XFR is largely ignored except for some internal functions. If you set voltage too low some instability may occur so LLC can help if set higher.
"Turbo" is actually based on PBO (Performance Boost Overclock) and MB and BIOS have to support it.
There is no XFR and PBO BIOS menu for 1000X Ryzens, By default auto XFR is enabled and disabled if set manual overclock. I don't want to push it, but on my tests CPU temp is way better, than XFR, so will try 1.25 and fixed 3.7GHz to stay good and cool :)