87c is a bit warm however, if you are stress testing for gaming I would not stress the FPU, it uses AVX instructions which is an unrealistic type of load for a gaming PC.
87c is a bit warm however, if you are stress testing for gaming I would not stress the FPU, it uses AVX instructions which is an unrealistic type of load for a gaming PC.
It spiked in the 80's from time to time but would quickly drop back to the 70's, 4.1 to much of a clock? My ram is clocked to 3200 also
87c is a bit warm however, if you are stress testing for gaming I would not stress the FPU, it uses AVX instructions which is an unrealistic type of load for a gaming PC.
It spiked in the 80's from time to time but would quickly drop back to the 70's, 4.1 to much of a clock? My ram is clocked to 3200 also
If it's stable and running cool in whatever tasks you use your computer for then 4.1ghz is fine. You likely have a pretty good chip if it's stable at 4.1ghz with only 1.35v. Did you start at that voltage or work your way up? May want to try a bit lower if it's totally stable at 1.35v, it will run cooler if you can manage to get it any lower.
You ideally want as low of a voltage as possible to get your CPU stable. There is no specific number I can give, every CPU is different, motherboard and power supply can also play a factor.
Just slowly lower it until it is unstable, maybe try 1.34v next, if it's stable go lower.
I'm running a H7, Lowered voltage to 1.34 as recommend and the system would post but got real unstable. programs would freeze up. I ran aida64 for 8hrs at 1.35 with no issues, was even able to open other programs as well. Temps would spike to the 80's and quickly fall back the 70's.