Ryzen 5 1600X Stability Test


Jan 19, 2018
How does this look? This is my first time OC and I want to make sure all is good.
You're good then mate in all honesty
As already mentioned avx instructions absolutely blast the temperature , same on intel.

To the point its not actually recommended to stress test using them in the first place.

It spiked in the 80's from time to time but would quickly drop back to the 70's, 4.1 to much of a clock? My ram is clocked to 3200 also


If it's stable and running cool in whatever tasks you use your computer for then 4.1ghz is fine. You likely have a pretty good chip if it's stable at 4.1ghz with only 1.35v. Did you start at that voltage or work your way up? May want to try a bit lower if it's totally stable at 1.35v, it will run cooler if you can manage to get it any lower.
You ideally want as low of a voltage as possible to get your CPU stable. There is no specific number I can give, every CPU is different, motherboard and power supply can also play a factor.

Just slowly lower it until it is unstable, maybe try 1.34v next, if it's stable go lower.
I'm running a H7, Lowered voltage to 1.34 as recommend and the system would post but got real unstable. programs would freeze up. I ran aida64 for 8hrs at 1.35 with no issues, was even able to open other programs as well. Temps would spike to the 80's and quickly fall back the 70's.
Id expect better temps with an h7 in all honesty mate.

1.35v I would actually deem low for 4.1ghz , not many ryzen will hit that speed , & generally an average user would be touching 1.36v for 3.8ghz.

You appear to have a well binned but high leakage chip there.

What voktage is cpu-z showing under stress , Id be surprised if it isnt actually touching 1/37/1.38 in reality ??