I noticed that my CPU was pushing 25% usage in the game SCUM and prior to that pushed 50% with google chrome open. I of course restarted and no longer see the same usage with google chrome after. This got me to thinking about driver updates and whether or not it is that important for me to do. I purchased this CPU (Ryzen 5 3600) over a year ago and never performed any driver updates... I dont know how imperative it is that I do that. So seeing as how I dont know much about CPUs, I thought I would ask the community for their advice and insight. Is it normal for CPUs to push 25% in some games? (Scum utilizes a large map) and are driver updates for a CPU necessary in my case? I basically dont have money to upgrade or replace parts in my PC so I am constantly doing whatever I can to increase the lifespan of my devices so I could really use any help. Thanks in advance!