Question Ryzen 5 3600 driver update and whether or not it is truly necessary. Any help appreciated!


Mar 15, 2021
I noticed that my CPU was pushing 25% usage in the game SCUM and prior to that pushed 50% with google chrome open. I of course restarted and no longer see the same usage with google chrome after. This got me to thinking about driver updates and whether or not it is that important for me to do. I purchased this CPU (Ryzen 5 3600) over a year ago and never performed any driver updates... I dont know how imperative it is that I do that. So seeing as how I dont know much about CPUs, I thought I would ask the community for their advice and insight. Is it normal for CPUs to push 25% in some games? (Scum utilizes a large map) and are driver updates for a CPU necessary in my case? I basically dont have money to upgrade or replace parts in my PC so I am constantly doing whatever I can to increase the lifespan of my devices so I could really use any help. Thanks in advance!
what motherboard do you have? if you tell me what you have I can see what drivers to get.

what drivers do you mean?
Hey so sorry for the late response. I have a Asus Prime B550M-A
Like I update my GPU regularly but I have no clue as to what to do about CPU and MB. Im almost afraid to touch those because I might mess it up somehow since its not as easy as using GeForce Experience.
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You can look in the system information application next to the header BIOS Version/Date and see if the latest version here is newer -
look at page 50 on how to update BIOS - (don't update bios during storms or if power might be cut off mid operation)
update chipset drivers, you don't need RAID or Stormi -

If 10, download Win10 Auto Installation Program (NDIS) from under windows header here
If 11, download Win11 Auto Installation Program (NetAdapterCx) from here

That is probably all you need, audio drivers aren't any newer, don't need the vga driver and don't want Armory Crate.

Only really update drivers if you having problems. As you are, now is a good time.
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