Ryzen 5 compatible GPU


Sep 8, 2017
I plan to get an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU. With that what graphics card should I choose?
Is gtx 1050 (ti or non-ti) good card in September 2017, I am not a hard core gamer, just light games (but I plan to plan ASSASSIN'S CREED ORIGINS)? I can't get gtx 1060 model as it is over my budget. Please suggest a card within 15k INR.
Also should I get the ryzen 5 1600/1600x/ any other lower than that?
It would be a mistake to pair a 4 core 8 thread CPU with something lower than a 1060 for gaming. You won't be using the full performance of that CPU for a long time, meanwhile a lesser videocard will be holding back game performance from the day you buy it. You'd be better off, in gaming, with a Ryzen 3/1060 combo than you would with a Ryzen 5/1050 or 1050 Ti. If you plan to do other things besides gaming and need the extra threads then that's a different story.

Also, first you say 'light games' then you name many demanding games. This tells me you hope to save money(so you say light games) but you really need a good videocard because the truth is you're going to play games like GTA V.
Personally, I wouldn't look lower than an R5 1600 for your CPU - but it'll all depend on what you're come from and what all you intend to play.,
A Ryzen3 with a solid overclock, with the money saved going towards a 1060 might be a solid option for you.

A 1050TI is a very good 1080p card, but IMO your choice(s) should be ebtween cores/threads for other uses/games and then the GPU that works for you within budget.
@Barty1884..As a little thought towards the future I have decided to buy the ryzen 5 not ryzen 3, but I plan to upgrade my GPU every one and a half year or two, which I would not do with the processor (I will be satisfied with decent 1080p gaming). As it is I would not get time for games in weekdays but when I get times I plan to play good games only, for e.g. GTA V, ASSASSIN'S CREED, TOMB RAIDER, BATTLE FIELD, FIFA, are some of my choices. If I can get a decent 40+ fps on a graphics card that will do my job for now. Please suggest a card between 15k INR. As the gtx 1060 is costing about 7k more.

gtx 1050 ti is going to be the minimum

you REALLY want to grab a 1060, especially for gta5 and origins

if you cant, expect to lower settings below high for those games to get decent fps
It would be a mistake to pair a 4 core 8 thread CPU with something lower than a 1060 for gaming. You won't be using the full performance of that CPU for a long time, meanwhile a lesser videocard will be holding back game performance from the day you buy it. You'd be better off, in gaming, with a Ryzen 3/1060 combo than you would with a Ryzen 5/1050 or 1050 Ti. If you plan to do other things besides gaming and need the extra threads then that's a different story.

Also, first you say 'light games' then you name many demanding games. This tells me you hope to save money(so you say light games) but you really need a good videocard because the truth is you're going to play games like GTA V.