I've been researching RAM for the past few days and I'm still a little lost, I'm at the end but need a little more help... I think.
I've purchased a Gigabyte Gaming K5 and Ryzen 7 1700 and would like to buy the last piece of my PC build (RAM). Currently there is a list of compatible memory modules provided by AMD located at the following link: https://www.amd.com/system/files/2017-06/am4-motherboard-memory-support-list-en_0.pdf
As well as additional memory QVL from Gigabyte located here: http://www.gigabyte.us/Motherboard/GA-AX370-Gaming-K5-rev-10#support-doc
From these I gather that the lists are not currently up-to-date AMD-June, Gigabyte-March So, my information is approximately 5+ months outdated.
I then found the B-die list (https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/62vp2g/clearing_up_any_samsung_bdie_confusion_eg_on/) and found that some of the B-die list RAM modules were on the AMD Compatibility PDF. Specifically, F4-3000C14D-32GTZ.
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820232202 F4-3000C14D-32GTZ However, the QVL from gskill does not mention any AMD based Motherboards https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3000c14d-32gtz)
Five lines down I noticed the F4-3200C14D-32GVK
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820232218 F4-3200C14D-32GVK However, the QVL from gskill does not mention any AMD based Motherboards (https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14d-32gvk)
At the time of this post the GVK is 369.99 (Sale at newegg.com) and the GTZ is 398.99. My rationalizations tell me that the GVK is what I should purchase seeing as how none of the QVLs matter and it returns faster clock speeds and identical latency at a lower cost, while using a B-die which seems to be quite compatible with Ryzen (also, it matches my build aesthetically). I can't really come to a conclusion with so much missing information, and I'd hate to have to pay restocking fees and endure shipping wait times which may overrun the lifetime of the return policy on some of my already purchased parts (assuming there may be defects with the product).
Should I purchase the f4-3200c14d-32GVK? Would you suggest something entirely different? I'll set a budget at USD$400.
I'd really appreciate the help, and I'm sure others with a similar question who have done this research would as well. I never thought RAM would be giving me the most difficult time for a PC build.
*Note: I will be using this build for Game Design - Blender, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Zbrush, KeyShot, Unreal Engine 4, Autodesk fusion 360, etc.
Thank you.
I've been researching RAM for the past few days and I'm still a little lost, I'm at the end but need a little more help... I think.
I've purchased a Gigabyte Gaming K5 and Ryzen 7 1700 and would like to buy the last piece of my PC build (RAM). Currently there is a list of compatible memory modules provided by AMD located at the following link: https://www.amd.com/system/files/2017-06/am4-motherboard-memory-support-list-en_0.pdf
As well as additional memory QVL from Gigabyte located here: http://www.gigabyte.us/Motherboard/GA-AX370-Gaming-K5-rev-10#support-doc
From these I gather that the lists are not currently up-to-date AMD-June, Gigabyte-March So, my information is approximately 5+ months outdated.
I then found the B-die list (https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/62vp2g/clearing_up_any_samsung_bdie_confusion_eg_on/) and found that some of the B-die list RAM modules were on the AMD Compatibility PDF. Specifically, F4-3000C14D-32GTZ.
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820232202 F4-3000C14D-32GTZ However, the QVL from gskill does not mention any AMD based Motherboards https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3000c14d-32gtz)
Five lines down I noticed the F4-3200C14D-32GVK
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16820232218 F4-3200C14D-32GVK However, the QVL from gskill does not mention any AMD based Motherboards (https://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14d-32gvk)
At the time of this post the GVK is 369.99 (Sale at newegg.com) and the GTZ is 398.99. My rationalizations tell me that the GVK is what I should purchase seeing as how none of the QVLs matter and it returns faster clock speeds and identical latency at a lower cost, while using a B-die which seems to be quite compatible with Ryzen (also, it matches my build aesthetically). I can't really come to a conclusion with so much missing information, and I'd hate to have to pay restocking fees and endure shipping wait times which may overrun the lifetime of the return policy on some of my already purchased parts (assuming there may be defects with the product).
Should I purchase the f4-3200c14d-32GVK? Would you suggest something entirely different? I'll set a budget at USD$400.
I'd really appreciate the help, and I'm sure others with a similar question who have done this research would as well. I never thought RAM would be giving me the most difficult time for a PC build.
*Note: I will be using this build for Game Design - Blender, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Zbrush, KeyShot, Unreal Engine 4, Autodesk fusion 360, etc.
Thank you.