Ryzen 7 2700x Utilization low.


Nov 9, 2017
Not sure if this is how it should be but, my 2700x is only using 30-40% load whilst in games which is giving about the same performance I had with my old i5 6600k. I'm running it with a 1080. Just looking to find out if something is wrong or if this is how the cpu should be behaving.
What games are you playing?

Most games are heavily single-threaded.
This means that they are only able to fully utilize 1-4 cores of your CPU. This is why your processor is only at 30-40% load, as the game is not optimized to efficiently use all of your 8 cores. This is completely normal behavior.

For example; 3 of your cores could be working super hard, at 90-100% usage, but the remaining 5 are not being used, leaving the TOTAL CPU usage at only 30-40%.

The Ryzen 7 2700X's single-threaded performance is nearly identical to a Core i5 6600K, so many CPU-intensive games should perform quite similarly.
"SC Mixed," or Single-Core performance is within 1%
(seen here on Userbenchmark: https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i5-6600K-vs-AMD-Ryzen-7-2700X/3503vs3958 )

Sadly, unless a game is designed from the ground-up to utilize all 8 of your cores, the 30-40% usage is very common.

So yes, this is normal behavior, hope I helped you out. :)

So far I've ran Destiny 2, which is supposed to be good at utilizing CPU cores, and CS GO just to see if I could pull out more usage but it didn't.
I get much the same with my Ryzen 2700X & GTX 1070, I went from a 6700K and all that really happened is my CPU usage dropped :)
I'm betting that I'll have some use for those other 4 cores at some point :) I did do some audio transcoding from flac to mp3 and it was so fast I barely saw it happen though.

I play Destiny 2 as well, Destiny 2 relies heavily on single-core performance, and so does CS:GO. I experience 30-40% usage as well in these games on my i7 3770K. Sorry, but this is very normal behavior.

A large part of the reason I decided on the 2700x was so that I could game and have the productivity for my college work, so it isn't actually that disappointing for me.

What productivity apps will you be using? most office apps are single threaded, but if you have some 3d rendering (Blender, AutoDesk Maya) or video editing/encoding in the mix you'll love all those cores.

If you really want to put more cores to work for gaming get Battlefield 1 or V. BF1 is pretty well threaded, even though it doesn't hit my 1700 so hard (an RX480 so I game at 1080p) it is hitting all cores so the two main threads can have cores all to their self.

You really can't look at total processor load, you have to look at the heaviest loaded core. Even games that are multi-threaded still have one thread that all action depends on so if the core that thread is executing on is getting maxed, that's the bottle neck.

A lot of blender, photoshop and illustrator. That was the main reason I decided to go with this instead of an i7 8700k.