Question Ryzen 7 3700x warranty


Mar 11, 2018
Hello. I'm going to buy a new ryzen 7 3700x from a guy who sells them for a little cheaper. In my country buying from a store is ~325 euro and buying from him is around 75 euros cheaper. I have two options from him however, one without store warranty(so i would have to send it back to amd directly) or one with a store warranty in my country(Romania). I was wondering if it's worth paying an extra 20 euros to buy it with the store warranty. Even so, it would still be 50+ euro cheaper and that is pretty good. They are both sealed, new, and i get to check them on arrival.
What the store does is send your CPU to AMD so you will wait in both cases. If you send it yourself it will be faster.
Are you sure your store offers warranty? Because they mostly offer warranty when you pay extra.

Don't buy it from the guy if its not sealed. Be sure to trust the guy if you pay him cash maybe the CPU is DOA. I prefer using PayPal because you get 6 months to file a dispute.
It is a PIB, with the stock cooler and everything. He seems legit. He's been on the site since 2011 ( a site used for selling used stuff, something like ebay but in my country). And it's PIB, so it has amd warranty and i can check the package when it arrives. It's just that it doesn't have a store warranty but there's another guy who sells the same but 20 euros more and you get store warranty as well, from a store called NOD. And i dont know if its worth it, if I have warranty at AMD anyway.
UPDATE: I bought the one with only the AMD PIB warranty. The guy seemed legit on the phone, he's been on the site since 2011 and I think everything will be ok. He made the package really fast and is already on his way to ship it, although he said it's really busy these days with the delivery. Anything I should look for when I get the package to check it?