I will be building a new PC once Vega comes out.
It will be a 1440p 144hz build, and I want at least 6 cores. So it's the Ryzen 1600/x or the Ryzen 1700/x. I say /x because at MicroCenter, the 1700x is cheaper than the 1700x.
I will be playing lots of games.
Witcher 3
Dark Souls 3
Battlefield 1
Kingdom Come
For Honor
And many others..
I also would like to do some things other than gaming.
Like streaming, art, learning to animate, and 3D modeling.
But for me, what mostly matters is gaming. And the only benefit of Ryzen is the higher core counts. So, what should I buy? 215$ price difference.
I will be building a new PC once Vega comes out.
It will be a 1440p 144hz build, and I want at least 6 cores. So it's the Ryzen 1600/x or the Ryzen 1700/x. I say /x because at MicroCenter, the 1700x is cheaper than the 1700x.
I will be playing lots of games.
Witcher 3
Dark Souls 3
Battlefield 1
Kingdom Come
For Honor
And many others..
I also would like to do some things other than gaming.
Like streaming, art, learning to animate, and 3D modeling.
But for me, what mostly matters is gaming. And the only benefit of Ryzen is the higher core counts. So, what should I buy? 215$ price difference.