Ryzen - does RAM speed matter that much?

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Dec 4, 2015
So 99% people on this site say that you DEFINETLY need to go with at least 3000+ Mhz with the newer AMD CPUs... but looking at the actual benchmarks, there are only like 3 FPS differences. Is it really worth the buck?
The Ryzen CPU architecture uses AMD's Infinity Fabric like an old front side bus. The Infinity Fabric speed is directly linked to the speed of your RAM. So faster memory makes for a faster CPU.

More in depth review here:


Ryzen is also picky about what RAM will run at what speeds. Here's the best list that I've seen and what you can expect from individual kits.


I usually recommend 3200/14 for Ryzen unless it's a budget build.


I think there was a separate matter of compatibility for ryzen as when they first hit certain higher frequencies (3000mhz in particular from what I remember) seemed more stable with ryzen. But in the meantime lots of updates came out (check the support page of the board you're going with in bios section for description what they include) and it doesn't seem as much of an issue now. You could also check compatibility page for ryzen to see which memory frequencies with which timings have been tested with your particular cpu.
If you have a high end GPU such as a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and are playing at 1920x1080 on a 165hz GSync monitor with a max overclock Ryzen 7 series, it will make a difference. If you are playing with a regular mid range GPU (GTX 1050Ti, 1060) or at higher resolutions. You are not likely going to see a difference as the GPU speed will be the limiting factor in lower end cards or higher resolutions.

It's the same effect as high end gaming CPUs. While there are differences between an i7-7700K, i9-7900x, Ryzen 1700@4Ghz, &c. Unless you are building a high FPS system (fast GPU @ 1920x1080). You will likely not see a difference, at least on the majority of games. As the GPU will end up limiting you before the CPU.

Generally, 2400/2666 CL15/16 DDR4 is the sweet spot. The price is usually about the same as 2133mhz, sometimes cheaper. If you are thinking about the small price difference. Then you probably don't have the GPU and monitor for the difference to be measurable.

Don't waste money on 2800Mhz. Memory operates at 2133/2400/2666/2933/3200Mhz with Ryzen. So, any memory will downclock to the highest compatible speed.

Deleted member 217926

The Ryzen CPU architecture uses AMD's Infinity Fabric like an old front side bus. The Infinity Fabric speed is directly linked to the speed of your RAM. So faster memory makes for a faster CPU.

More in depth review here:


Ryzen is also picky about what RAM will run at what speeds. Here's the best list that I've seen and what you can expect from individual kits.


I usually recommend 3200/14 for Ryzen unless it's a budget build.



Dec 4, 2015

I am playing at 1080p and plan on getting a gtx 1080. Was thinking about a 3200Mhz RAM, but wanted to make sure it would be worth it...

Well if you are going to pair it with a Ryzen 1700 and the monitor is 144hz or better. You'll gain about 8 FPS on average over 2133mhz DDR4. That is the average. Whether it is worth it depends on the title. Some games will see 1 or 2 FPS gain others 15 or 16 FPS. Most will be 8 or 9 FPS.

If you are already buying a GTX 1080, Ryzen 1600/1700, water cooling or good air cooling. Then overclocking the bejesus out of it! Sure it is worth it. To me at least. After spending that much money. Why wouldn't you drop an extra $30 and squeeze every last drop out of the computer you can? It's not like we are talking about some Ryzen 3 GTX 1050Ti build.


Dec 4, 2015

Planning a Ryzen 1600. Currently, 60Hz, but upping either refresh rate or resolution is a possibility >in the future<, i mean, i'll have a gtx 1080, so why not?
Either way... is the price difference (more like 50$ in my country) worth the better RAM?

I can't say if it is worth it. Since that is a matter of personal preference and priorities. You have the statistics. To make the decision of whether or not it is worth it to you.

At 60hz you will see zero difference. As the computer is capable of well over 60FPS on AAA titles. You'll want to use V-Sync and limit yourself to 60FPS to avoid screen tearing. Any number the computer can produce over 60FPS is meaningless.

If you do buy a better monitor later. My preference would be to put that money towards a monitor which supports GSync. That will have more impact visually than a couple extra FPS. As your FPS and Hz stay in sync.

Deleted member 217926


And I'd argue that you are incorrect on both points. At higher resolutions memory ( and indeed the CPU ) matter less as the load falls on the graphics card. At lower resolutions ( 1080p ) memory can have a huge impact on Ryzen's performance.


But gaming is not everything is it?


2133 and 2400 in particular cripple the CPU in any memory intensive situations. 3200/14 is the best choice unless you're on a tight budget.


That's true but how much fps is worth to someone is very relative on this forum. Sometimes I see complaints that their fps is only 150 instead of 175 or 200. I wouldn't think it'd matter at all at those numbers, but I mean...it really depends on how much of sticklers they are for performance.


Jan 15, 2013



Jun 26, 2009

I'm at 3466 on Threadripper.


Jan 28, 2006
Depending on the motherboard and CPU along with overclocking or not and depending on the ram yes it matters and makes a difference depending on the program though it does have diminishing returns on value and the relative difference it makes. I will say the new DDR4 4600MHz CL19 ram kits look on point in terms of specs and performance however I have no idea what the pricing on those are.
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