Ryzen or stay with Fx-8350


Apr 18, 2017
I bought a Fx-8350 this year before the announce of Ryzen and now I have a build with the Fx the am3+ motherboard. Should I save up and get Ryzen gear to fully upgrade my pc or should I stay with what I have now?
Not really, FX 8350 can handle 1050 ti pretty well. If this is the GPU you are getting, no need to upgrade :) Put extra money into a GTX 1060 6gb will give you better performance and reuse 1060 for future upgrades :)
It is ok right now but since Ryzen 5 1400 costs a little more than a new Fx-8350 and has huge improvement over the Fx-8350 I might upgrade and sell the Fx-8350 gear, but I like more opinions from different people before I decide.
is there something the FX has failed to do? it is getting long in the tooth but is still a decent performer. IDK the rest of the system, if you just spent on the FX I would spend on other aspects of the system, the FX will need replacement eventually make sure the rest of the system can cope with the new system. SSD's. a high quality PSU. a better GPU and/or monitor.
I am planing to buy a gtx 1050 ti and the rest of the system is basically complete it's just I think the cpu will be a bottleneck to the gtx 1050 ti. And no there were no thing that it couldn't do.
Motorcycle or 10-speed bike.. It's not a hard decision. The FX has 67% of the IPC throughput of a 3rd generation Intel. Ryzen is at least as strong as a Haswell cpu and can improve on that by a good 20% with some OC and fast ram, bringing to skylake/kabylake performance levels. (roughly).

So the question remains, do you want a pc that'll game pretty effortlessly for the next few years (2023 support by Amd) or struggle and scrape just to make it up a hill. Motorcycle or 10-speed bike.
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't *buy* an FX-8350 today (or really, in 2015), but given that you already own it and it's working for you, I don't see much reason to upgrade. Unless you just like tinkering -- I know I'm guilty of that -- the question of whether to upgrade should be asking yourself "What do I wish to do on this rig that I can not currently do?" If you can't think of anything, it's hard to argue for an upgrade.