Question Ryzen power plan is not showing ultimate plan


Jun 19, 2017
I am using ryzen r5 2600 and recently bought it

I updated all of my chipset drivers which is b450 tomahawk

can anyone address what is the problem?
Do you mean AMD Ryzen High Performance? I assume you looked in the Show additional plans menu on settings/system/power & sleep/Additional power settings, as that is where it shows on my PC

Stock choices are AMD Balanced or AMD High Performance, for anything else, its a custom solution.

There are custom plans, the closest I found in a short search was but that is specifically for 3900X it seems. Despite label.
So its not showing up here?

I can't find anyone else who gets one and not other?
To enable the new AMD Ryzen Balanced power plan, first install the latest AMD chipset drivers on your Windows 10 64-bit machine. Then, open the Control Panel, click on Power Options, and then select the plan from the list of options.

he has it already, his problem is he is only getting AMD Blanaced, not HIgh Performance
No, I am just getting AMD balanced plan not the high performance one

I am yet to find anyone else with same problem.

Maybe its your versions of windows, have you got version 2004?
I am using ryzen r5 2600 and recently bought it

I updated all of my chipset drivers which is b450 tomahawk

can anyone address what is the problem?
It happens sometimes that power plans can be disabled, or hidden from view for selecting one in the control panel.

Here's a tutorial for restoring them to the view:

But the Ultimate power plan was never visible by default (or hasn't been on any of my systems at least) so it has to be enabled to see it.
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You're right, Ultimate has to be enabled manually.
Isn't the Ryzen Balanced the best one anyway? I've heard that High Performance just draws more power for nothing.

Balanced is better yes.

There's no benefit to the high performance plan whatsoever, all it does is stop the cpu downvolting and underclocking under idle/low loads.

Thats said I've never had a ryzen balanced power plan available

Just the standards windows one and the high performance one 🤷‍♂️
Balanced is better yes.

There's no benefit to the high performance plan whatsoever, all it does is stop the cpu downvolting and underclocking under idle/low loads.

Thats said I've never had a ryzen balanced power plan available

Just the standards windows one and the high performance one 🤷‍♂️
I guess the Windows Balanced is pretty much the same thing? But yeah, that's what I've read - the higher power plans being useless...
Some people are going to do it anyway, just like with the Ryzen 3000 manual OC, the benefits - err, tradeoffs, of which have been shown to be worse the higher up the product stack one is.

You need to install latest amd chipset drivers to get the plans.
Didn't the OP already state doing that?
Yes, I was just telling madmatt.
Op has balanced, just not performance.
I try to help people find what they want without questioning if it makes any sense, unless I know it doesn't.
There is no reason why he has one and not the other even if one makes more sense to use.
I myself use balanced but I am not here to tell others what to do.
Hmm. thanks to all of you for support .. I am also using balanced one (with 5% minimum processor state in processor power management).
I am not getting any issues......Everything runs OK as I have not OC it yet
That thing was just bugging me up that how others have high performance and I have not.
Now Is this leads to some kind of issue or every thing is all right?
i think most people use balanced anyway or use a custom plan like drea.

It is difficult to say if it will cause any problems as I didn't find anyone else with same problem... only fix I can think of to maybe shuffle the drivers around and maybe let it work would be a reset of windows as there is no other way to force it reinstall all its drivers.
Hmm. thanks to all of you for support .. I am also using balanced one (with 5% minimum processor state in processor power management).
I am not getting any issues......Everything runs OK as I have not OC it yet
That thing was just bugging me up that how others have high performance and I have not.
Now Is this leads to some kind of issue or every thing is all right?
There is no issue as far as I know Ryzen 1st and 2nd series don't actually have the high performance plan anyways I have used both Ryzen 5 2600 and 3600 currently using the 2600 which does not have Ryzen High Performance Plan. So either both of us have the issue or 2nd gen does only have balanced plan. Btw my advice is to set to Ryzen Balanced rather than windows balanced.
I have used both Ryzen 5 2600 and 3600 currently using the 2600 which does not have Ryzen High Performance Plan. So either both of us have the issue or 2nd gen does only have balanced plan. Btw my advice is to set to Ryzen Balanced rather than windows balanced.

maybe it doesn't get it, I can see a post from when balanced was 1st a thing -

although i found this 2600 with the plan -

Maybe its based on the motherboard?