Rzyen 5 1600 or 1500x for $700 gaming pc


Oct 23, 2016
Title says it all
The gpu i would be using to pair this with is a gtx 1050ti
The games i will be playing are pubg, fortnite,overwatch, and other titles. Also will be streaming and doing light video editing.
Also will be over clocking the cpu
Well, there are some aspects you have to consider.

First of the Games:

Overwatch and Fortnite are not too heavy games and will run pretty smoothe on the R5 1500x and 1600. But PUBG.. nah..
Even after the 1.0 PATCH, the game is still not the best game for performance. If you like pubg much, go for an 1600.

Now the critic thing.. streaming

Streaming on the 1500x may cost you the most of its power (depends on which resolution etc. you are streaming).
For streaming/recording I would more likely take the 1600 rather the 1500x.

Third thing: Overclocking

Of course you can get much power out of the 1500x by overclocking too, but good AIR coolers that are good for OC are expensive.
Because they are expensive, you can think two ways:
Question from Dropment : "Which Ryzen 5 cpu is best for me"

I have my eye on the r5 1600 and the1500x not sure which one is best for what i do
The gpu i would be using to pair this with is a gtx 1050ti
The games i will be playing are pubg, fortnite,overwatch, and other titles. Also will be streaming and doing light video editing.
Also will be over clocking the cpu
Well, there are some aspects you have to consider.

First of the Games:

Overwatch and Fortnite are not too heavy games and will run pretty smoothe on the R5 1500x and 1600. But PUBG.. nah..
Even after the 1.0 PATCH, the game is still not the best game for performance. If you like pubg much, go for an 1600.

Now the critic thing.. streaming

Streaming on the 1500x may cost you the most of its power (depends on which resolution etc. you are streaming).
For streaming/recording I would more likely take the 1600 rather the 1500x.

Third thing: Overclocking

Of course you can get much power out of the 1500x by overclocking too, but good AIR coolers that are good for OC are expensive.
Because they are expensive, you can think two ways:
1. I buy the 1500x and have some money left for OC
2. I buy the 1600 and get stock better performance but may can't OC (You can still buy a cooler thats cheaper but can OC at least a bit)

Fourth thing

Your overall hardware

The 1050ti is a good budget card (but I prefer the 1060, but yeah, you have only 700$ so, okey)
Your PSU AND Motherboard have to be good if you wanna OC.

So if I would consider the things you wanna do with the PC, I would say take the 1600 and at least try to OC it.

Okey, overall it seems to be a solid built. You COULD save some money on the RAM. You really dont need 3200 MhZ. You may save some dollar if you find ones with "only" 3000 or lower.

hm okey well. I dont know when you are going to buy the things, but RAM prices are changing much right now, so keep watching them. Otherwise, yeah, now you have to decide: 1500x or 1600, the rest of the syste, is good as I can tell.