S.M.A.R.T. Problem with my HDD


Oct 13, 2013
Hello everyone. From few months ago I had problems with my Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB, and the problem is the S.M.A.R.T. Error.

I've been trying all that I could: try to repair it with HDD Regenerator, Hiren's Boot, Victoria, and I could not find answers about how to hide bad sectors of the HDD or eliminate them.

I just want to know if I can count with this HDD or I have to change it for other one, but I want to try all that I can for repair it, because I like this HDD and I don't have much money right now...

I took a photo from the S.M.A.R.T. test with HD Tune:


If you can help me with this question, I'll be thankful with you.

Yes. If this is a common issue where you live I would suggest investing in a UPS(battery backup). And bad sectors is a physical problem. The drive has too many bad sectors and is running out of room to reallocate them. WD Black drives normally carry a 5 yr warranty so you could contact WD and get a warranty replacement.
I forgot mention that this is not a physical problem. This HDD is like new. From one day to other the HDD shows me this error, really, I don't know what caused this problem beacause I'm 100% sure that is not a physical problem, and I don't have more than 1 year with this HDD...
I always turn off the pc normally by "shut down", but now that you mention it, in my country the energy is constantly going down... So I think that the problem was it, but none of my pc components are damage except the HDD. Do you think that it could be the reason?

Yes. If this is a common issue where you live I would suggest investing in a UPS(battery backup). And bad sectors is a physical problem. The drive has too many bad sectors and is running out of room to reallocate them. WD Black drives normally carry a 5 yr warranty so you could contact WD and get a warranty replacement.
Thank you bignastyid. I contacted WD for the warranty, the problem is the price that would cost me for send the HDD to WD for repair, the price is similar to another one new. So I think that I have to buy another HDD... Thanks you all for your answers!