Sabertooth Z77 RAM LED Light Stays On


Mar 4, 2013
This is a odd one guys, on a very rare occasion and it only happens once in a blue moon like i mean once every few months, for some reason my RAM LED Light will stay on, i have a H60 with i7 3770 K non overclock.

I know it takes time to post, but this day when i turned my pc on my keyboard number lock light stayed solid green, clicked it a few times it did not respond. I waited 10-15 seconds no boot, monitor light was solid blue, clicked it would not go off. I then reset the PC, and everything seems fine today and also yesterday when i reset the PC since fresh re-boot.

I know the red LED Light will stay on when trying to detect hardware. Could someone give me an insight into why it does this, nothing else stuff up though o:??:nly this happens very rarely.

My Specs

CPU Cooling:H60 Corsair Water Cooling Unit x 2 Fans On Rad

CPU: i7 3770K Stock (Used To Be At 4.2)

GPU:660 TI MSI Power Edition Stock Clocks

RAM: Vengeance Corsair 16GB Kit

Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth Z77

PSU: Corsair 850 HX

Back UPS: Cyper Power 1200 Watts(Its somewhere around there. All i know is that 245 Volts is supplied)

Monitor: LG Flatron E2441

Case: CM Storm Trooper

Case Fans: Custom Corsair 4 x AF

SSD: Corsair 120GB GT

Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB

No i did not use the button, i just press reset and it was ok ever since then, to clarify things quicker i did use memory test within windows to see if the ram had any errors, once scanning no errors had came up which was good.
Did you reseat the ram?
Do you use/enable the xmp settings in the bios for the ram?
Do you use the brown slots? Assuming that you use two modules.

Use the nex to check it per module if you want to be thorough,
with this do you need to make a bootable cd.

I have 4x for 16 gb, i have settings in the bios they are xmp but the ram has not been overclocked at all, i use all slots, it will be a pain checking all sticks as i have four, can i have two in one time and run tests and two in another or will i have to do all at one time.

Also i have never updated my bios, i have a friend who builds computers and said all i need to do is update my bios because my motherboard does not even detect SLI configuration and my bios is from when i brought the board in 2012.

I didn't ask if they were overclocked,i asked if you enabled the xmp settings so that the ram runs at the right speed,latency's and voltage.

If you want to check the ram two by two is that up to you,even checking all four sticks at the same time is a possibility,it's just that if there's an error would you still have to check which stick produces it or rma the whole set and let them find out.

You could try that,in the manual or on the asus site are probably the right instructions to do that.


My friend also said what you stated, he said it could be because i have an old bios.

Hi Vic been sometime, here is an upate:

I took my PC to a computer shop. I was being very lazy and i never reported this, i used seagate tools to check my SSD, but i had a Corsair GT and i had to keep re installing windows, it was a 120gb. I got fed up of my LED light always coming on, i told them and explained what happened about my PC not booting.

Over a few days i told them to test it, they came and said it was my SSD failing. I decided to change my SSD for a 260gb Samsung, a whopping 400 dollars basically gone in an instant. No red LED light popped up for sometime, but today my cousin had to take a bit of plastic off for my dock on my CM Storm, cause it broke.

He forgot he did not have the power cable in and forgot he had switched the PSU off and pressed the power button, then he ended up putting the power cable back in and it switched on, the LED light came on and hanged again, i had reset it and it was fine, i did some researching myself because i remembered my friend OCed my CPU to 4.2Ghz, the PC shop reported my CPU was still 4.2 as i thought it was at stock, i never thoroughly checked in bios.

I ended up putting the CPU back to stock and i also ran a memtest to 95% few months back with no errors being recorded (with the old Corsair SSD still active as my OS), i have decided to put my CPU back to stock, since boot up times are alot quicker before POST. I have done this so far everything seems to be going well.

Hope this gives you a bit of insight, would my LED Ram light would of been going red cause of the back Overclock?, would i need to eliminate the ram? or could it come down to the Motherboard?. Nothing else ever goes wrong except the rare hang when turning on my PC.

UPDATE: Before i changed my SSD i had to re install windows 3 times, and this was on my old SSD. That is why i think the PC shop said i needed to change it, they said they tested other components and everything else was fine, this is very very strange.

Thanks for your help.