Sabertooth Z87 vs Z97 Mk 2


The sabertooth Z87 is $30 less than the Z97 mk 2 (no armor)

should i get the z87? Looking at them they are exactly the same apart from the z87 is cheaper and has armor
Well, if you're planning to upgrade when Broadwell comes out, Z97 would be a better choice because you can just swap CPU. However, if you are not planning to do that, and willing to give up M.2 SSD compatability, I would say go for Z87.

I dont even think the z97 sabre has m.2

My bad. Because most of the Z97 boards have M.2, I assumed that Sabertooth Mk.2 would have one too. So I guess if you are going to stick with Haswell or Devil's Canyon, I would say go for the Z87. I bought Z97 because I'm planning to swap out my 4670k with whatever overclockable Broadwell i7 that intel comes up with.