Safe overclock limit i7 8700k NH D15 no delid

Apr 4, 2018

I recently got an i7 8700k, and am looking to overclock it. Obviously, I don't want it to be damaged or end up broken due to this. I see people overclocking to 5 ghz, but generally they have all delidded and I am wary of delidding given that I am not experienced with PC building and don't want to damage anything. I am using a Noctua NHD15 cooler. Given all of these things, what would you consider to be a relatively safe overclock that I can do to my 8700k?

If it matters, I am using a Corsair Crystal 570X case

See what your temps are at stock (1 core turbo at 4.7 Ghz), and then again with MCE enabled (all cores at 4.7 GHz, cooling permitting)...

Unless you will win a bet with higher clock speeds, I doubt the 200-300 more MHz will net much....other than the classic "I got 5 GHz!", which should not mean much, and rightfully so.