Safe r7 1700 overclock


Nov 17, 2015
New rig, new frontiers, giving a try to this whole overclock thing.

Rig is.

R7 1700
Msi X370 gaming plus
Seasonic S12II 620w
Zotac GTX 1060

I know that GPU might bottleneck the r7 if it throws too much at it. But to the overclocking.

My first set up is 3.7ghz and 1.375v im using the wraith spire cooler. After almost 1 hour of aida, system seems stable, temperature is at 68°C and honestly i dont see myself ever putting 100% stress on the machine.

Which should i do as it stands now. Lower the voltage to reduce temperatures or try to squeeze in another 100 or 200ghz...

Your temps for normal use are great to be honest, you could leave it where it is, but with added voltage comes added heat too, so every time you drop the voltage bit more, you'll have to test for stability again.

1.375v for 3.7ghz seems very high, does it need that much voltage, your temps are within limits, but it should pretty much do that speed at 1.3v unless you got a bad chip, mine does 3.9ghz with those volts, and I know not all chips are the same, but its still very high, I wouldnt push any higher at the moment on the stock cooler unless you can get that voltage down a bit.
I toned down the voltage to 1.35v.

CPUID reads 1.352v across the board (Core Voltages). I don't know what core VID is but reads 1.550v.
HWinfo64 reads 1.337~1.344v depending on time usages so is arround that.

Im still using 3.7ghz as i think is what im confortable with. Another hour and half stress of aida64 without FPU stress (as i've heard it just tries to overvoltage even more the chip) and temps are still safely under 70%. Thats at a constant 100% load... Honestly i cannot begin to think on how i would (as i only game basically) will manage to do that with real life usage...

Anyway, should i try to go lower to 1.300v?

If your voltage is fluctuating up and down, you need to play with loadline calibration in the bios to stable it out so it maintains a constant voltage.

Yes, keep going down, I dont rate AIDA64 stress test myself, I can pass hours and hours of that all day long and then fail prime95 or IBT in 2 mins, theres a much faster way to find out if you are stable on the CPU, use this:

Set it for 50 passes standard, it will take about 15mins to run, if you set it at another time when you feel your stable to max settings for about 20 passes it will test the memory and mem controller too, but will take a lot longer to run, I would set your core voltage to 1.3v before running it though as it will really hit your CPU hard.

The other stress test id recommend is realbench, but thats an 8 hour test, something to run overnight really, its more real life.

Trust me your vid isnt 1.550v, you'll fry your CPU at that volatge, its about 1.2v, HWINFO isnt the best, I use the sensors option in ADIA64 to monitor voltages and temps.

Your first link isnt right and isnt working lol.

AIDA64 shows my VID as 1.05v, but if I remember right, my bios showed it as 1.17v or something like that, im currently running mine at 1.375v to keep it stable at 3.9ghz.


Voltages etc look good in AIDA64's report, its reporting your vid the same as it does for mine, 1.050v but my bios shows my vid as 1.17v ish.

No nothing will ever get it that hot again, that test pushes everything your CPU is capable of to its max, its a great test, thats why I say, make sure you're no higher than 1.3v before running it, that 50 passes is probably equivalent to running AIDA64 bench mark for 8 hours and took about 15 mins to shoot through those tests, you may be able to drop the voltage even further still yet.

What voltages should i aim with this set up? Maybe down to 1.275?

I want to stay in the 3.7ghz, but also keep the CPU as cool as possible, my average temps during normal use are of 40ºC, when gaming goes up to 50ish really. PC fans only move up with the stress tests really.

It has 5 fans. Is a corsair c400.

2 140mm intake.
2 140mm exhaust.
1 120mm exhaust.

Your temps for normal use are great to be honest, you could leave it where it is, but with added voltage comes added heat too, so every time you drop the voltage bit more, you'll have to test for stability again.

Dropped to 1.200v

Passed intelburn 50 passes without issue, also now normal temps are 3.6ºC and during the stress the record was 78ºC, almost 10ºC less.

I guess im staying a this voltage. Ill now head to real world use and see how it behaves.