safe temps for my 4790k?


Aug 21, 2018
i have just overclocked my 4790k to 4.6ghz. at standard it sits at 80 degrees under a stress test but sits at 60 during gaming. i just overclocked and stressed and got around 87. i know that theoretically this is fine but im wondering if this is not worth the risk. thanks for any thought.
Heat is the enemy for integrated circuits. The hotter they get, the sooner they will die, but it's on a logarithmic scale (ie: going from 90 to 91 is much much worse than going from 60 to 61). If you were thinking that you would getting an upgrade in the next 3 years, then there is a low chance that this extra bit of heat will make a difference. If you were hoping to get another 10 years out of this CPU, then I would have concerns.
Heat is the enemy for integrated circuits. The hotter they get, the sooner they will die, but it's on a logarithmic scale (ie: going from 90 to 91 is much much worse than going from 60 to 61). If you were thinking that you would getting an upgrade in the next 3 years, then there is a low chance that this extra bit of heat will make a difference. If you were hoping to get another 10 years out of this CPU, then I would have concerns.