Safe to buy?


Jun 22, 2012
I was on craigslist looking for cheap graphics cards and found a gtx 770 but it's not branded.. It only says "GEFORCE GTX" on the side. I was just wondering if it was okay to buy it or just keep looking
That's a reference card, and the guy seems to have kept it in pretty good condition. Its a nice deal too, much better performance than a new 460. I'd go for it. Just make sure that if he no longer has the drivers CD, to get then before hand.
It could be a reference card, I'd find out more about it.
I'm assuming its used? Here are some things to make sure of-
Does it work? Probably a given, but people can be that way.
Has it been heavily overclocked? This may lower the cards life considerably, and may even be the reason its being sold.
What condition is the card in? If the things missing a fan, has chewed up plastic, and looks all scratched up somethings defiantly wrong with it. Also look for eloquent language to describe damage or performance issues.
All that being said, can we get a link to the card, and you budget if we deem it a bad buy? What your upgrading from is important also.
That's a reference card, and the guy seems to have kept it in pretty good condition. Its a nice deal too, much better performance than a new 460. I'd go for it. Just make sure that if he no longer has the drivers CD, to get then before hand.

Okay i'll go for it.. And even if he doesn't have the CD.. Drivers are easily found on the geforce website i'd think