Safe to have PC Components Shipped through areas of the country where the Daytime High Temperature is as high as 120 degrees?


Feb 28, 2017
Topic question.

I just purchased a GPU which is being shipped from the west coast to the east coast (USA). I saw yesterday with tracking where it was 'currently' in Arizona, where the daytime high temperature reached around 120 degrees fahrenheit. Maybe a dumb question, but... should I have any concern of the excessive heat harming any part of the GPU? Or for that matter, are any particular PC components more sensitive to high ambient temperature than others?

Thanks guys!
Yeah man, even if the actual components hit the exact same temperature as outside air (which is impossible) they're fine, the CPU alone which is one of the more sensitive parts of the system can withstand over 90-95c for a fair period of time before seeing potential damage.
120F is crazy, but you should see Australia in the summer! 😛
Because it's so dry and hot, it feels way worse than 120F, heatstroke for days, gotta carry a water bottle, and wear sunscreen and a hat everywhere when you go outside or you'll get burned in 10 mins easily.
Manufacturers ship in NON air conditioned 18 wheelers across the united states continental, new components all the time, which goes up to 150F-250F inside , so yeah it will be fine, why ? because the components are not "working" no power to them so it is all inert materials.
Hi Thaleb, there shouldn't be any risk. I have lived in the UAE in the past and order pc parts from the US, they where shipped during the summer where the temperatures reach around 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Never had a problem with them. On top of that, the GPU will probably endure similar temperature when running on full throttle. So don't worry about it and enjoy your purchase!
Yeah man, even if the actual components hit the exact same temperature as outside air (which is impossible) they're fine, the CPU alone which is one of the more sensitive parts of the system can withstand over 90-95c for a fair period of time before seeing potential damage.
120F is crazy, but you should see Australia in the summer! 😛
Because it's so dry and hot, it feels way worse than 120F, heatstroke for days, gotta carry a water bottle, and wear sunscreen and a hat everywhere when you go outside or you'll get burned in 10 mins easily.