Question Sager np5855 hj

Jul 1, 2019
Laptop model: Sager np5855 hj

I7 7700 HQ
GTX 1050 2GB
8GB of ddr4
1tb SSD
1tb HDD
Windows 10 home edition

I bought this laptop about 2 years ago. I had no issues for the first several months. Then I start getting random freezing. This freezing always requires a hard reset. Eventually I go to boot up and nothing. It asks me to insert boot media. I figure corrupt HDD. I disassemble the laptop to find that the HDD was in crooked because the retention screw was in the wrong place. I try to re insert the drive and reboot. Still nothing. I then install a new 1tb SSD and make a bootable USB with windows 10.
I do a clean install no issues I then can read the original HDD . Which I forgot to mention I also put it in a enclosure and plugged into a desktop to grab all my important documents. It read it fine that's why I put it back in along with the new SSD. I also drilled a new hole in the mount so it would align correctly.
So I get everything installed I reformat the old HDD to wipe it just in case and run chkdsk everything came back fine.
I am still getting these random freezes though
I tried everything I could think of to fix. These are random freezes it seems like sometimes I can run for hours and sometimes 10 min. It's froze on just about everything no specific application. It freezes during games and has froze while writing a word document.
I have checked the ram it tested fine. I did Intel stress test and GPU and they all came back fine. I changed all my power settings to performance. I changed the ram paging file to a little higher than the 8gb. I have updated all my driver's. I tried to update the bios but can't find an update from Sager or clevo.I am lost as to what it could be. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Jul 1, 2019
I tried it and it froze up one time and has been good since. Thanks for the advice. It seems to have worked. I also tried a brand new HDD and that was freezing. So I think it has something to do with the connections shorting it out. Thanks again
Jul 1, 2019
Well, I am back in the same boat. After removing the HDDi gave it a little time. It seemed to work fine then what do you know back to freezing up. I'm out of ideas.
Well, I am back in the same boat. After removing the HDDi gave it a little time. It seemed to work fine then what do you know back to freezing up. I'm out of ideas.

Still lots of things can cause freezing, did you try a full clean Windows setup? Could be a RAM issue even if it tested fine, I have had systems go through a RAM check but still crash or do odd things till I replaced it. If your RAM is in two sticks try one at a time. Could be the main drive causing it, or the motherboard.