Grandmastersexsay :
You are a moron. Raise your own kids you lazy piece of crap. You and every Australian deserve the inevitable Orwellian state that will emerge and control every aspect of you lives.
So, is there anything in my post you dispute? Do you dispute that the majority of Australians would side with the decision? You actually proved within 5 minutes my statement about how "A-holes" would tear my comments to pieces.
You disagree with what I have to say, but you have to call me a "lazy piece of crap", when you really have no clue. I mean, you actually think Australia, of all countries, would ever become an Orwellian state? Excuse me, but who's the Moron here?
I'm sure you're just upset, because using an "Alien Anal Probe" would probably be the highlight of your poor, pathetic, loser day, Mr. Mastersexsay.