Same fps after lowering graphics in game.


Sep 15, 2015
My fps in dota 2(also other games) gets dropped to 20 and wont go over 40 again.It was all maxed out and when i tried lowering to graphics it was still the low FPS. system ~ AMD fx 8300,amd radeon r9 270,PSU LC Power 600w,8 gig ram,asrock 960gm-vgs3 fx.I could have played every game on ultra even streamed them.
Have you considered buying a better motherboard that won't need to throttle the CPU to save its VRM because it gets too hot? Overclocking the CPU makes the issue worse. You probably never monitored the thermal margins and frequency with AOD while gaming; you get FPS drops because the CPU throttles and its frequency drops to 1.4 GHz. Are you using the stock CPU cooler?

I've tried reinstalling all kinds of drivers(old ones,crimson new one),with guru3d wiping them
Every time you start a game, check for core parking. Games usually will only use the first 2, maybe 4 threads properly. The OS puts the rest of the threads in sleep.

For example, start Dota 2. Enter match. Alt-tab into desktop. Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Escape), go to details, right click the game's exe and click on Priority. Select highest. Then click on affinity, select only 2 cores. Alt-tab back into game. Then alt-tan AGAIN into Task Manager. Go to affinity again and reselect all cores. Press ok, alt-tab into game and now the game should use all your CPU cores efficiently, as it should.

I've tried it felt better for 5 min and then it flopped again to 25 fps and then it stays there for 20 seconds and after a while it goes back to 60 then again to 25 as soon as some minor fight starts.
Have you considered buying a better motherboard that won't need to throttle the CPU to save its VRM because it gets too hot? Overclocking the CPU makes the issue worse. You probably never monitored the thermal margins and frequency with AOD while gaming; you get FPS drops because the CPU throttles and its frequency drops to 1.4 GHz. Are you using the stock CPU cooler?
Source Engine is really well optimized and he shouldn't have any problems running these games with his current setup. Suggesting changing hardware, for this case, is not something that I would go after.

As for OP, did you check the voltage output of your PSU pins (for both CPU and GPU)? If you have a low voltage output it could be limiting your GPU (I am taking this is a problem related to GPU, since CPU shouldn't play a bit role in here, specially with Source Engine).

If your voltages are bad, I recommend swapping it as it could lead to other electrical faults/hardware issues.

Since you said you could max them out before (and even encode while playing):

1) You could check for other processes eating your CPU.
2) If you have anti-viruses running, check if they have permission to do 'on file-access scan' - or something along these lines. These eat all of your HDD/SDD as well as CPU.
3) Check for your GPU temps. If it gets too hot, drivers can either shut off completely or simply throttle its output power to avoid overheating.
Read his post; FPS drops to 20 and goes back to 40. This is a very common issue when using an AMD CPU on a cheap motherboard; it drops when throttled and the goes back once the VRM had a chance to cool down.