samsung 840 1tb ssd wont install windows 8


May 26, 2012
i am at a loss. thought this was gonna be really easy. i guess not. i get the message: cant install on portion something something something. its set on AHCI and has the latest firmware. i do have one question that i didnt find any info on. when i looked at the drive on the computer when i got it, it had a file in it. i dont remember what it was but i deleted it right away. was i not suppose to do that? it was like 1gb. please help. i really want to run this thing tonight!

Got it! It was either two things.
1: i reinstalled that win 8 on that flash drive
2: uefi poped up and i opened it through through that.
Thanks anyways guys. Maybe someone will have the same problem one day this will help them out.
if your installing it in your rig with a lot of drives already windows installer may be looking at another drive. for safty unclip your other drives data cables from the sata port and make sure the new drive if it going to be your boot os is on sata 0 intel port. when the installer starts and it fails go into windows advance mode and make sure there no partion on the hard drive. windows installer is looking to make two..a small system partion and a data partion on the boot os drive.

thats my old setup up on the drives if you read that. just got the revo 3 and this 1tb


k, give me a sec

still nothing. yeah i deleted the partition and it didnt do jack
Actually, Windows doesn't install to any USB items, and you would need at least 128 GB of space on it, and those kinds of flash drives are expensive. Here's what I did when I got this problem on my rig: Install Windows on a HARD disk drive or boot from a HDD that has Windows (any version) on it, and then put the disk in. If there was a file on it, then look it up on the product's website and get it. If there isn't a file or it is not important, then re-format the SSD. Go to Computer, and right click on the SSD. Go down to Format, and left click on it. Check "MS-DOS Startup Disk" IF available, and uncheck quick-format. Let it do so, and then try installing it to the SSD once it is done. If it works, you will need to keep that hard-drive in that computer even if you aren't going to be using it, because, for some reason, Windows needs the first disk it was installed on. You might want to use an old or relatively small disk. You won't have to boot from that disk once the rig is going. Hope this helps.

yes, of course i created a new partition. but the 100mbs that would normally be there wasnt.

oh, i just tried every combination imaginable. im just gonna reinstall the windows 8 boot up on that flash drive and see how it goes

Got it! It was either two things.
1: i reinstalled that win 8 on that flash drive
2: uefi poped up and i opened it through through that.
Thanks anyways guys. Maybe someone will have the same problem one day this will help them out.