Samsung 840 Evo low iops issue


Jan 30, 2012
I just installed my first ssd today, and at first things were great. Everything installed nicely, and I was getting maximum sequential read/write and mad iops read/write, and the sdd I felt was reallllly fast. Then my friend was checking his email and the of blue screened and auto restarted. I figured it'd just be easier to reinstall the OS since not much was on it instead of searching for whatever the issue was. However, I have installed an OS fresh for the third time now trying to get those iops numbers back up and I feel like the sdd is slower than the first install I did, and nothing is working. I'm on average at about 45-55k in iops reading and about 10k less than max in iops write. Iv tried a fresh install, tried the performance repair utility from Samsung. Nothing works. Also to note: I deleted the 100mb system partition on the sdd thinking I could delete it and then merge the partitions. It was stupid and I don't really know why I did it. I'd just done it for the hdd my old OS was on so I guess it just slipped my mind. I don't know if that might be why the sdd is running slow, but I can't get rid of the empty 100mb partition, nor can I find a way to fill it back up with the system data. Really hoping I didn't mess this up :/. Any advice would be really appreciated from you guys.

Also yes, iv tried disabling system restore and all those "tips" to increase speed. None of them work, and it wouldn't make sense if they did really. I'm using the same system settings as when I was getting full speed read / write so I should be able to get them again, right?

reformat it/optimize it with samsung magician then reinstall.. should act brand new
That's what I'm in the process of doing, im just skeptical about it working since this problem arose after reformatting it. I'm going to install all of the mobo cd drivers this time instead of getting them online. That's what I did the first installation and it was good. What should I do about the 100 mb partition?

If you reformat it as a new drive it shouldnt be there anymore.. If it is just delete it and merge them together/create a new one
Its still there, iv tried going to disk manager and expanding the main partition so merge them together, but it isn't letting me. Iv read something about since the partition is at the front, it won't let me

Hmmmm not sure then :/. Hopefully someone else on here will know how :) sorry i couldnt be more help.