Samsung 840 Pro SSD vs Samsung 840 Evo SSD


Apr 1, 2013
Which of the two is better and why?

I plan on buying a 250GB SSD off eBay

I am wondering if I should choose the Samsung 840 Pro 250GB or Samsung 840 Evo 250gb. Both are available for close to the same price.

I will be using it on my laptop. I download a lot of movies, do photoshop, play games, etc.

1) 840 Pro has higher benchmarks - NO BIGGY as in real life You will not see a difference in day-2-day performance.

2) 840 EVO uses 19nm TLC, 840 Pro use MLC and has a higher write cycles rating - No a bigg issue as under normal usage the your still looking at 10+ years of use.

3) Power consumption very close for EVO and Pro ( about the best for SSDs)
... Power consumption really only an issue for laptops.

4) Pro = 6 gigs more space - again depending on space required probably not a biggy.

To say that I really like the EVO is an understatement. If Samsung can keep quantities of the 840 EVO flowing, and keep prices at or below its MSRP, it'll be a real winner and probably my pick for best mainstream SSD.
End quote

It dont really matter the price.. i want the best 250/256GB SSD possible. I wasnt sure if samsung 840pro or evo was better.

With what you said, I think I will go with the 840 Pro.

Unless u know another brand that is better(Faster) ?

Thanks for help.

Samsung 840 Pro 256 GB = 215$
Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB = 250$

The pro is actually lower price.. so i find it strange that its better
1) 840 Pro has higher benchmarks - NO BIGGY as in real life You will not see a difference in day-2-day performance.

2) 840 EVO uses 19nm TLC, 840 Pro use MLC and has a higher write cycles rating - No a bigg issue as under normal usage the your still looking at 10+ years of use.

3) Power consumption very close for EVO and Pro ( about the best for SSDs)
... Power consumption really only an issue for laptops.

4) Pro = 6 gigs more space - again depending on space required probably not a biggy.

To say that I really like the EVO is an understatement. If Samsung can keep quantities of the 840 EVO flowing, and keep prices at or below its MSRP, it'll be a real winner and probably my pick for best mainstream SSD.
End quote
Page 1 has a good discussion of TLC NAND
Use the pull down to look at benchmarks and power consumption.
Added: based on comments that popped up while writing this.
Based on Price the Pro is the clear winner.

More on Benchmarks: I have Crucial M4, Samsung 830s and Samsung 840 Pro. Using AS SSD as benchmark, the 840 Pro should (REPEAT should) be about 60 % faster - YEA Right There is VERY little difference in real life, hard to tell which system has which of the 3 SSDs installed.
M4 and 830's Overall score approx mid 700s, 840 Pro scores a wooping 1100. BUT I love my 840 Pro.

for those prices i would go with the Pro version for sure

Yeah, that is crazy. What site is this? I might get a Pro and put my regular 840 up on Ebay, lol. That is a good $30 or $40 below normal prices. Typically the 840 Pro goes for a little less than $1 per gigabyte. Right now on newegg (US), the Evo is $189 and the Pro is $239.
Just a little insight - Maybe I'm out in left field playing with daisies, but here goes:

A little on Benchmarks, they are called “SYNTHETIC” for a reason.
Most all reviews use them to show a difference and in some cases it can look like a big difference, BUT if you look at a check using real programs the differences shrink drastically.
... Sequential performance – This is the most often cited matrix – BUT is the least important one for an OS + Program SSD. It is IMPORTANT if the drive is used as a storage drive and you work with LARGE data structures such as the 10 gazzion large photo jpeg/bitmaps, the 1 Gig dot vobs (DVD files) and the 13+ gig Blu-ray files. It is the small 4K performance that is important for an OS + Program drive.

USER Reliability/least user problems to select which of the higher end SATA III drives to Buy – Samsung has a very good rep here.

On “quoted” life expectancy. LOLs. While the tests are somewhat valid they DO NOT reflect real life usage which is going to be a lot less;
... I still think they will outlast there useful life. That is the newest/latest tech will make you want to replace them before they die.

Quick reason why I say the Life cycle test is not valid. Will use a car battery as an example.
When the Battery is getting close to the end of its life. You uses it on a given day and start/stop/restart, NO Problems – it cranks right up. But leave it overnight and it will drain and Walla, dead battery.
The lifecycle test is continued write/delete/write until a cell dies. The NAND cells do NOT get a period of time to allow the charge to decay.
User. Occasionally turns the computer off. Not sure the exact time frame, But if you take a “NEW” SSD and place files on it and take it out of the computer, somewhere between 3 Months and a year the data will be gone. In real life you turn the computer off say overnight. You reach a point that the cell cannot hold the charge. This will occur MUCH sooner than the “life cycle test. Problem is that this type of a test is NOT practical, ie 100 write’s per cell, power off and leave overnight, power on and do another
100 writes per cell ect – This type of test would be valid but take a VERY long time to complete
Sorry, noob here. Was getting ready to walk out the door to microcenter.

So Marky000, The Evo is 50 bucks cheaper than the Pro.

The Pro does come with the Migration Software. CD, etc. I guess I don't really need it because hard drive is shot, 300 bucks to get it restored.

I think I am going to take your advice and save the 50 bucks. Seems like adding the word "Pro" is about all you get.

There is the extra two year warranty and the life expectancy is around 19 years for the Evo compared to almost 70 years for the Pro. Although 19 years is probably 3 or 4 times as long as anyone has ever used the same hard drive, it gives you an idea of the difference between MLC (Pro) and TLC (Evo & regular) NAND. Even though the speeds are nearly identical and the random speeds are pretty close, the Pro is extremely durable and is a proven tech while the TLC in the Evo was just recently implemented in mass market drives and there is no telling if it will even last past the 3 year warranty.
Samsung 250GB 840 EVO Series SSD is comes with new firmware. I think you should go with Samsung EVO Drive


Those numbers are likely coming from the drives with RAPID mode enabled, which utilizes system RAM in order to boost the EVO's performance by as much as 2.5x.

I have the SSD Pro because it is many times more reliable (Longer Life) that the faster Evo RAPID.

What if the prices are

Samsung SSD 840 EVO 500GB = 425dollar

Samsung SSD 840 PROSeries 512GB = 564 dollar

witch shod i those?

Cheaper one. Use the savings to do something useful.

Yes, the Samsung spec sheet does say that it is "3-bit MLC NAND". This is another way of saying TLC. I would assume that Newegg and NCIX are pulling this from the Samsung spec sheet.
Last week the Samsung SSD 840 EVO 500GB sold for $299.00. In 10 to 30 years from now we will all have a new machine so the less you pay today, the less you lose tomorrow.
I bought evo 250gb from amazon @149 last November. Its IOPS is fast enough for what most people need, although a few MB/sec difference on paper aren't noticeable in real word performance. So i would suggest you buy the best bang for the money, whatever brand/model it is. I usually go for the best balance of price, speed and reliability.

I have both Intel 520 (laptop) and Samsung EVO (desktop). Speed numbers indicate EVO is faster but i can see NO noticeable difference in boot up time, launching apps, etc. I also do photo post processing (LR & PS) and gaming but comparing SSD vs another SSD has very slight impact on these apps. If you have I/O intensive apps, go for the more reliable SSDs.
Right now, in the 500-512 range, the EVO goes for 270 while the Pro goes for 395 on Amazon.

I wonder if it's worth almost 50% more for the Pro.

I do intense usage, but not something like a Database Operations.
Just Photoshop, with heavy files. Does that qualify as intense I/O?
It's going into an Early 2011 MacBook Pro