Samsung 850 evo not in disk manager


Apr 19, 2016
Hey so I had an issue with my samsung 850 evo, it wouldnt write anything to it. It's under warrenty, sent it in, within 4 days they "fixed it" and sent it back. It apparently passed all of their tests.

Went to go pop it in, and my computer cannot detect it. At all. I have my M.2 installed. My A drive (500GB 850) and my B drive (1TB 850)

How do i get my computer to detect it when its not showing up in disk manager? I built my computer so i know i have to format it to get it to work....... but if it doesnt even show in disk manager what then???


not sure how to even imbed pictures on this site

EDIT: ive checked my bios and i cannot find where to initialize new SSD. It will allow me to wipe them, and even then it isnt showing up at all. I have the gigabyte X99 SLI motherboard
Show the whole Disk Management window.

To imbed, take that imgur URL and stick it between [im g] [/im g] tags.

EDIT: Initialize would happen inside Disk Management.
EDIT2: But it it's not appearing in the BIOS, either it is broken, or not connected properly.

Well i just got it back from samsung's RMA department. They apparently fixed it. Where would i even look to find and initialize it in the BIOS? There isnt like a drop down from any of the tabs that give me that option


No...Initialize happens in Disk Management.

Does the BIOS show that it is connected?
Does it appear in Device Manager?
Does Disk Management show it?

no to all of those. It doesnt show up anywhere

Its in a hot swap.. ohhhhhhhh. I bet i know what it is. Ill have to check when i go home