Samsung 950 Pro NVMe and Intel 750 NVMe: Win 7 vs Win 10 Performance


May 26, 2016
I have been able to install Windows 10 and Windows 7 on the Samsung 950 Pro.
I would have a question though, mainly concerning the performances of my two NVMe disks (Intel 750 and Samsung 950 Pro): the difference I am referring to is between Windows 10 and Windows 7.

The following is the speed of the two drive in Windows 10 using AS SSD benchmark 1.8:

Samsung 950 Pro: read 2199.80, write 1441.63
Intel 750: read 1869.77, write 879.18

While these are the speeds I obtain in Windows 7:

Samsung 950 Pro: read 1845.94, write 1309.14
Intel 750: read 1793.28, write 880.84

As it may be seen, the Samsung is particularly slower in Win 7, while the Intel is more or less the same. It must be stated that in both OS I installed the last version of the relative official NVMe drivers and in Windows 7 I also installed the NVMe hotfix (but the results are the same with or without). I also activated the two flags in the properties of the Samsung relative to the caching.

Any thoughts on why this is happening? I know Win 10 has a better (native) management for these drives, but I would like to understand better the issue here. I would be also curious to see how Win 8.1 behaves.
win 8.1 is same as 10 but 10 would be a tad bit faster. win7 is slowest in all my experience, windows 8.0 sucked, and that is over all speed of system im my experience. I f you turn all non estential services of in win10 like "spying" and "auto update" and the annoying "notifications" then its like win 7 and win 8.1 had a kid on speed. ....i like it.


Jun 9, 2015
intel is faster in general in my experience, regardless of numbers on a benchmark/or with. and performance without a hitch. (both are very good however)
have you installed the samsung software in win10 samsung magician and set it to performance as to see. all though win10 does support it natively drives and actual software from the manufacture can be good.
win10 supporters your ATI/nvidea natively as well but you would still want your graphic drivers installed on it wouldn't you?


May 26, 2016
Thanks for the reply koffeeshop77,
yes I installed the Samsung Magician and the drivers in both Win 7 and 10. The question is primarily why 7 is slower. I am also debating on which one between the two drives to use as my system drive and which for applications and/or scratch disk.


Jun 9, 2015
win 8.1 is same as 10 but 10 would be a tad bit faster. win7 is slowest in all my experience, windows 8.0 sucked, and that is over all speed of system im my experience. I f you turn all non estential services of in win10 like "spying" and "auto update" and the annoying "notifications" then its like win 7 and win 8.1 had a kid on speed. ....i like it.


Jun 9, 2015
win7 dosent support trim, that came later , so baking something in later can cause it to be an issue. you from INTEL 750 also has a "closer/tighter" bind to the primairy hardware system, due to the simple fact the it is "intel", that could account for the speed variance, if it was my sytem either way if i set it up, intel would be my C:// drive(widows n apps) and samsung would be repartitioned with the magician and running Games and what not storing everything else what one might store..., and it all runnig win10. and "real world" differences between the two are negligible, and with those speeds you would not tell apart unless you literally ran a bench.
also the scratch part, you can rewrite those things over a billion time so it doesn't matter which is which.