samsung 960 evo 250gb has slowed down a bit


May 27, 2015
hi everyone, my samsung 960 evo 250gb m.2 was getting 3030 read and 1500 write speeds then it started slowing down some lately. now whenever i test it i get around 2990 read and 1250 write or a little lower. just wondering if anyone knows why. i have had the drive for around 3 weeks to a month now.
btw once youre done you can try go visit userbenchmark site and try to compare your stats against other users of your hardware. and i couldnt give you any other suggestions tho. it could be other factors on your MOBO. ive attached my bench score here.


which motherboard are you using? the NVMEs will defintely slow down due to heat. and if you dont have a good heatsink or spreader and good cooling from your chassis fans/cpu air cooler, then of course performance will degrade.

asus maximus viii hero board, i5 7600k cpu
btw once youre done you can try go visit userbenchmark site and try to compare your stats against other users of your hardware. and i couldnt give you any other suggestions tho. it could be other factors on your MOBO. ive attached my bench score here.



it looks like you have the same m.2 drive.