Samsung 960evo not recognized


Jan 30, 2018
I'm working on a brand new build.
- Prime x299 Deluxe motherboard with the latest bios update
- I7 7820x
- SAMSUNG 960 EVO M.2 1TB NVMe PCI-Express 3.0 x4 Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) MZ-V6E1T0BW

I'm trying to install windows 10 but the ssd isn't being recognized in the bios or by Windows. I see that this exact drive isn't listed in the Asus qvl but the 500gb version is. Any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks Calvin7, the ssd is the only drive connected. I downloaded the latest Samsung driver to a USB stick and tried to install it during the windows installation but windows didn't recognize the driver application. I contacted Asus support and since the ssd isn't on the qvl they didn't have much help to offer.