Samsung Brings Curved Screens To The Living Room With New HDTVs

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What EXACTLY does a curved screen give you? I'm struggling to find any SOLID evidence despite being told that they're awesome and that I need one.

Usual marketing rubbish

With 27", I do struggle slightly to read text in chat windows that are off to the sides. With a curved screen, the information on the edges has less distortion. The amount of distortion from the viewing angle was so slight to begin with, that only marketing could make it sound really bad. The same applies at any screen size. It's a HUGE problem if you are in marketing hehe
I see no point in curved screens beyond traditional cinemas. I don't think Quantum Dot or OLED really need that feature to sell. They should be able to stand on their own just by their contrast ratios and color gamuts.

Selling TV's these days is a tough marketing jog indeed.
In response to damian^ (cause I can't get the flipping quote to work). The real benefit to curved displays is that when you are at the epicenter of the arc the screen is equidistant from your eye at all positions. This means greater immersion and more importantly better peripheral vision and reduced eye fatigue. Personally I don't see the benefit of curved TV screens. However give me a 21:9 34" screen for my computer and sign me up (if only I was rich ;P). At close distances the curve is much more relevant than at far.
Curved screens are most beneficial when they comprise of a 120 degrees view from the person standing in front of the screen.

9 feet screen standing from a 6 feet distance is good.
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