TipsyMcStagger :
Laptop or desktop?
How are you connecting the 250GB to the USB? What cable, exactly?
Can you show a screencap of the current Disk Management window?
It's an Asus B400A laptop. I used a StarTech USB3S2SAT3CB transfer cable.
I apologize but I'm not exactly clear on where to find the Disk Management window.
EDIT: Think I got it:
1. Your objective to "integrate" the 227 GB of disk-space in the unallocated portion of the drive with the current D:
partition of 114 GB is doable and reasonably straightforward.
2. Note that the two intervening partitions sandwiched between the D: partition and the unallocated disk-space of
227 GB, i.e., the 4 GB & 25 GB partitions are devoid of data. Simply stated, they are empty partitions.
3. That being the case, there would seem to be no reason why you should not delete both of those partitions
(using the Disk Management "Delete Volume" command) thus creating all unallocated disk-space following the D:
4. Then, of course, simply using DM again, encompass all that unallocated disk-space using the "Extend Volume"
While the above process is relatively simple & straightforward, as all of us have learned working with PCs over
the years - #!*@ happens! This is especially true when changing drive configurations, i.e., partition manipulations.
That is why we ALWAYS recommend that before a PC user undertake "partition management" processes he/she
FIRST, BEFORE UNDERTAKING such, clone the existing drive to another drive as a fallback position. So in the
event the process goes awry the user has a safety net at hand.
Assuming all goes well and you're satisfied with the results, make it a practice to clone the contents of your boot drive on a reasonably frequent basis so that you always have at hand a fairly up-to-date clone of your day-to-day drive. So when the day comes that the system becomes dysfunctional because of a failed boot drive or corrupt because of malware, you have the means at hand to return the system to a functional state quickly and with relatively little effort.