samsung evo 850 250GB SSD vs x2 OCZ Vertex 3 SSD in RAID 0


Nov 29, 2015

I just bought a samsung evo 850 250GB SSD, and I was planning on putting it in my laptop, but then I remembered that my desktop has 2 OCZ vertex 3s in RAID 0. So I was just wondering, would the samsung SSD perform faster than my OCZ SSDs?

I'm just wondering because, my desktop is pretty much my work hoarse for tasks that require a lot of processing power, and my laptop is sort of a mid ranged gaming laptop. The laptop has an A10-4600m APU, so it's nothing too special, but I guess that's not really important info, lol.

If the Samsung SSD is faster, then I will just swap it for my Vertex 3s, and just put a Vertex 3 in my laptop.

I took the liberty of doing some benchmark tests, but am a bit confused on the test results. Could anyone please explain the performance difference between my raid 0 volume and the samsung ssd? I put a link to the results below.