Kieran Warren :
I'd hardly say the S4 is the most advanced phone on the market. It has nothing unique other than some samsung software. Camera is way behind the Nokia and Sony flagships. Specs are beaten by LG. Screen isn't the best available. Build materials are cheap. Batteries are hardly the biggest around. So overall it really doesn't have anything unique and that is probably why it isn't selling as well as they expected after the S3
First, the camera is not way behind, but slightly behind Nokia and Sony, and that is one of the last things someone should care about. Go buy a professional camera if that is what you want. I'll take screen quality and processing power over a camera any day.
Next, what LG phone are you talking about that beats the specs of the S4? The S4 has a faster CPU and better GPU than the LG Optimus G Pro. The Optimus shouldn't even be compared to the S4, as it is more in the Phablet Note III class, but even against the S4 it falls short. It's only advantage is a 1/2" bigger screen. The screen itself isn't nicer.
Which brings me to my next point. The S4 screens is one of the best on the market, with only the Note III having a better one. It might not be the best in sunlight, but the the blacks of an OLED screen are amazing for watching movies. The only way I would forgo the infinitely better contrast is if I used my phone outside a lot, which very few people do. Samsung makes most of the other phone manufactures screens. There is a reason they chose to go the route they did.
Finally your cheap construction comment just reeks of your ignorance, Do you really think the aluminum used in soda cans is some exotic material? Plastic is lighter and more impact resistance. Not to mention no one gets to see their shiny aluminum finish under their phone case. Plastic allows for quick and easy battery and SD card changes.