SAMSUNG laptop - screen replcament

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Sep 4, 2018
Hi all,
i have SAMSUNG NP300E4A-B01IL laptop, and i'm need to replace the screen.
i found that screen at Amazon: SAMSUNG NP300E4A-B03JM.
does it will be compatible?
The LCD screens can vary in laptops, two of the same same model might not have the same screens fitted. The only way to find out is to take the screen portion of the laptop apart ( you will need to do this to replace it anyway) and get the part number from the back of the LCD.
It's doubtful because the reference has to be exactly the same. Look at the photograph on the advert if there is one, and compare it with your screen. The connection has to be in the precise same place and be the same size.

If Amazon doesn't have the right one, try eBay.
The LCD screens can vary in laptops, two of the same same model might not have the same screens fitted. The only way to find out is to take the screen portion of the laptop apart ( you will need to do this to replace it anyway) and get the part number from the back of the LCD.
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