Samsung led tv power supply voltage read to high

Mar 30, 2018
im replacing some blown leds on a samsung led tv,
afraid to reconnect to power supply because im reading 366 volts off load and its written on board 235 volts for led supply
Do you have the Samsung TV schematics?

Any part or component numbers?

If so google the part or component numbers. Double check that you have the correct components via the schematics and any part lists.

If the current power supply is the correct component and designed to provide "235 v" or some near voltage then an output of 366 v is very likely the result of some failure.


Manufacturer's do not want end user's to be able to fix things. Actually they do not want anyone to be able to fix things per se. Bad for business plus they get sued if someone zaps themselves trying to do a fix.

It does appear that you have some skills and probably know what you are doing.

Try searching on the part numbers or any numbers at all that you can find on the power supply and or other components.

Hopefully some useful document or information may turn up.