Question Samsung LED tv squeaking and smell/

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Apr 27, 2015
So from this morning I've been hearing occasional squeaks and squeals, not very loud and lasting a second to approx 6 seconds each time. After peering down the back of the TV I noticed a smell, I don't know if its burning plastic or dust, it smells chemical, kind of but not exactly like nail varnish remover, I have never noticed this smell before having my nose actually right next to it, it was coming from the top right side of the back of the TV and it was very warm.

I've removed as much dust from the TV as I can, but I'm a little worried to plug it back in and try it again. Anyone have a past experience with this? If it's burning dust would it still squeal on occasion? Oh, the model of the TV is a SAMSUNG ue42f5000ak.

Thanks for any replies 🙁
Squeaks and squeals likely noises from expansion as some component or area within the TV gets hot and expands.

Smell could be melting wire insulation.

Top right side when looking at the back - near where the power cord goes in?

My thought is the TV's power supply may be defective and/or failing in some manner.

TV will likely to need be returned if under warranty or repaired by a shop.
Squeeking/squealing, little puffs of smoke, and an acrid smell is typical of electrolytic capacitor failure. That TV needs to go to a shop for evaluation and repair.
Squeaks and squeals likely noises from expansion as some component or area within the TV gets hot and expands.

Smell could be melting wire insulation.

Top right side when looking at the back - near where the power cord goes in?

My thought is the TV's power supply may be defective and/or failing in some manner.

TV will likely to need be returned if under warranty or repaired by a shop.

I haven't noticed any smoke and the smell is only noticeable when I have my nose right up against it. There is a vent about an inch high and roughly 24 inches long, running through the backplate and the smell is noticeable through the entire length of that vent but slightly stronger on the right side where I noticed the increased warmth. I've had the TV unplugged for an hour now and the smell is still there, so I don't know if it is just the normal smell of it and I've just lumbered the smell with the squeaking.

So there is no smell in the actual room at all, only when I hover my nose directly over the top right of the tv do i get a scent. Is it still safe to use if there's no smoke or smell in the room itself?
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