Samsung May Be Gearing Up to Purchase HP's PC Division

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My mother has had 2 HP laptops. Very reliable. Me on the other hand, I purchased a Samsung HDD for my computer (1TB) and so far I love it! I heard Seagate bought out Samsung's HDD division though.
Really? Samung is going to buy HP's PC Division? Wow... If that is true, what is Samsung's market share going to be like? Damn... I cannot imagine that....
That should piss off Jobs&Apple big time. Unlike the current HP management,(last 10yrs), Samsung have studied alternate OS's and known consumers' markets well. MS and Apple may have some serious competition...... in the past Sony ruled the consumer market place, .....
Doesn't surprise me that HP is getting out of the PC business. There quality has slipped so much it is unbelievable
[citation][nom]selloutjoe[/nom]That should piss off Jobs&Apple big time. Unlike the current HP management,(last 10yrs), Samsung have studied alternate OS's and known consumers' markets well. MS and Apple may have some serious competition...... in the past Sony ruled the consumer market place, .....[/citation]
Yeah. Bada, Samsung's own mobile OS. Soon it will be Bada vs iOS.
HP/Compaq as a company was poor at best for quality/design

being a repairer of there products iv see it all, there desktops suffer from blown caps still (this day and age - come on)

there notebooks (aside from the recent nvidia gpu failures) and the internal designs are poor from a thermal design perspective - 99% of them direct airflow down with a 30-45º angle stopping most airflow, and no normal person can service the things

i say good riddance to there rubbish products, i sure as hell would never buy one, never have and never will.
[citation][nom]apache_lives[/nom]HP/Compaq as a company was poor at best for quality/designbeing a repairer of there products iv see it all, there desktops suffer from blown caps still (this day and age - come on)there notebooks (aside from the recent nvidia gpu failures) and the internal designs are poor from a thermal design perspective - 99% of them direct airflow down with a 30-45º angle stopping most airflow, and no normal person can service the thingsi say good riddance to there rubbish products, i sure as hell would never buy one, never have and never will.[/citation]

I've not worked on many HP machines, but I do service Dell in my region. The issue with blown caps may be a supplier issue as Dell has had issues with recent Foxconn produced boards in some of its Optiplex line. I don't mean the Opti 270/280, but newer 780+. Out of 100ish machines at one location I've swapped 60+ boards with blown caps.... all stamped Foxconn.

~ Nicodemus

I've worked on 1000's of second-hand Dells and HP. apache_lives...seriously? HP's are the most reliable brand out there. Dell is a joke compared.
I myself worked at HP Denmark for a year.

From consumer products: The Dv- series were bad, very poorly made; but the HDX- and Envy-Series were and are a great innovation of HP.

Business products: I loved the previous generation of the Elitebook. I get why the new line is so enormous and heavy, but I do not think that this is the innovation that HP should seek in the business line, they seem to be moving in the wrong direction.

This is just my oppinion, I do not actually know how well this new line sells; but I hope that if Samsung buys the PC devision, that they will do something outstanding with what they've got.
I think this good be very good for both sides. Samsung gets a computer brand with a long history and the current HP employees associated with the computer side of their business can breath a sigh of relief for the time being. This could also breath some new life into the Wintel side of the PC business.
[citation][nom]audioee[/nom]I think this good be very good for both sides. Samsung gets a computer brand with a long history and the current HP employees associated with the computer side of their business can breath a sigh of relief for the time being. This could also breath some new life into the Wintel side of the PC business.[/citation]

Samsung won't keep the brand. Just like Lenova dropped the IBM brand, Samsung will turn all the PCs it builds into Samsung branded PCs. This is just about buying HPs distributor network.
[citation][nom]ikyung[/nom]Agreed, I have never really seen any negative reports about Samsung and own/have owned many Samsung products. Very reliable brand.[/citation]
My only issue with a Samsung product has been the Samsung Moment phone and my unfortunate timing in jumping ship to Sprint and Android. At the time it was that or the HTC Hero. I wanted a physical keyboard so I went with the Moment, huge mistake. Support dropped off quickly for new Android releases and they had plenty of download and OTA updates to fix problems with GPS, Airplane mode, the list goes on and on. My wife currently still uses one, I gave up on mine and bought an EVO 4G off contract.
If Samsung really wants to do this, I say go for it. They should definitely do it soon, though. With HP's lack of concern that their PC brands (both HP and Compaq) are headed down the same path of a previous industry giant and rival, Packard Bell, there may not be much of HP's PC-building infrastructure left to salvage if they wait too long.
When Lenovo bought the IBM PC business, many predicted death, doom, and destruction. So far they have done well.

Samsung makes good stuff....period. I would expect to see such a purchase do good things for the OEM (pre-built) PC market and offer quality products to consumers.
I'd much rather see samsung buy it than some of the other manufacturers. Samsung makes some really good product and hopefully if they do this they will end the era of HP's and Compaqs being a nuesance to work on at times. They are hands the the PC brands that pops up the most issues to work around when trying to repair. But when they work right they aren't that bad I suppose.
[citation][nom]ikyung[/nom]Agreed, I have never really seen any negative reports about Samsung and own/have owned many Samsung products. Very reliable brand.[/citation]

Well.... Samsung is as dirty as Apple and many other companies, specially at the anti-competitive department.
They are backed by Korean government. They play dirty to their competitors. Look at the market of LCD panels. Samsung is one of the leading companies for fixing the high price of LCD panel and they got benefit most since they have >50% share LCD panels. However, when US/Europe start investigating their anti-competitive beheaver, Samsung became the dirty witness so everybody else got fined but them....
I am not say only Samsung plays dirty (Apple and Intel are pretty dirty too)... but Samsung is never as naive as we think.
No matter how bad HP is/was, it is still an US company. I really don't like to lose another PC brand own by US companies. Without HP... we only have the evil Apple and Dell left in the PC market (or mayeb few more if you count those nobody knows brands)
i think samsung is the first tv manufacturer to market the term "LED TV". when these led backlit lcds first came out, prices where way overpriced.

if i remember, the ceo of samsung was sentenced to prison for corruption. not long after,the president pardoned him, and took back his post as ceo of samsung.
as you can see, corruption is tolerated in the company.

they are also famous for price fixing, and with a hp's large market share, people should worry.
[citation][nom]rottingsheep[/nom] as you can see, corruption is tolerated in the company.they are also famous for price fixing, and with a hp's large market share, people should worry.[/citation]

Agree.... think about this... if Samsung has HP PC under its wing.... Samsung PC will have their own, RAM, HD, LCD, SSD, and many others.... and US PC market share (HP was the #1). This is the perfect combination sounds very dangerous to me.
In case if people are not familiar with Samsung. Samsung in Korea makes most (if not every) of things.... from PC, Phone, Cars, banks, ......, and probably even rices (remember either Samsung or LG started as a rice company)! In Korea, there no such thing called anti-trust.

Samsung may still has its good part in the market... it definitively has the potential to be very bad!
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