[citation][nom]rottingsheep[/nom]...samsung. as you can see, corruption is tolerated in the company.they are also famous for price fixing, and with a hp's large market share, people should worry.[/citation]
Agree.... think about this... if Samsung has HP PC under its wing.... Samsung PC will have their own, RAM, HD, LCD, SSD, and many others.... and US PC market share (HP was the #1). This is the perfect combination sounds very dangerous to me.
In case if people are not familiar with Samsung. Samsung in Korea makes most (if not every) of things.... from PC, Phone, Cars, banks, ......, and probably even rices (remember either Samsung or LG started as a rice company)! In Korea, there no such thing called anti-trust.
Samsung may still has its good part in the market... it definitively has the potential to be very bad!