Samsung ML-2010 error saying no paper but has paper has paper


Feb 6, 2016
I am hoping someone can help with this my Samsung ML-2010 is saying in the Smart Panel it needs paper. When I power it up it starts but after a second or two the upper light turns red and stays red I have removed the paper reinserted the paper and it still says no paper. Since it will not fully power up I cannot even manual load paper a sheet at time. I uninstalled and reinstalled the printer. I have cleaned out the paper area and there is nothing hiding that would prevent it from sensing that it has paper. I see all kinds of things on if it will not pick up the paper, but nothing on how to get to sense it has paper and fully power up.
Thanks in Advance,
Unfortunately that is the situation sometimes.

I tend to be cautious about making suggestions because I am a DIY person and tend to start taking things apart.

Most products these days do not support such "activity". And, even worse, break if a fix is even attempted.

Becomes a trade off between the gain of repairing something or possibly bricking it forever.

You are at that point and, if you can afford another printer, you have the freedom to start taking the Samsung printer apart and maybe find something "fixable" relating to the paper feed problem.

As for no one else helping: generally most people here watch and read for the most part - especially an active thread. Still many folks will offer an additional comment or suggestion...
Hello Ralston 18,
I have emailed Samsung, the printer has no warranty now as it is several years old. I also did the chat with Samsung, and that was pretty much a waste of time. I was told to remove and reinsert the paper and sent a how to clean the printer which I had already done many times already. I asked where the sensor is located for the paper. In reading things online I read that there was a photo sensor that detected if paper is in the printer. I had downloaded the service manual for the printer but it did not list a location of the sensor for paper only the one for feeding the paper. The chat person said he could not give me the location of the sensor I would have to take the printer to a service center. Talking it in would end up costing me as much as buying a new mono laser on sale. So not really an option for this printer. If I could learn where the sensor is I could clean it and see if that solves the issue.
Well you are already a step ahead of me in that you downloaded the service manual.....

As for the chat at least you "know" that there is a sensor as the chat person stated he/she could not give you the location. However, the chat folks must work from a script and often are left in the dark themselves.

However, look for and at the service manuals for similar models. Also if you can get the sensor part number or just google something like "paper sensor Samsung ML-2010" you might find a replacement part with installation instructions from which you can glean the location.

Also take a close look at the toner cartridge. Could be something there.
Hi Ralston 18,
I have tired to google Sat and Sun but I keeping things on the feed sensor nothing for paper sensor. I will look at the toner cartage again to see if I see anything. I am to the point I think I will try to find another printer. I saw on the previous models 1600 series someone said the paper sensor was not photo but something that was hanging down, could not find anything It was from that post that I downloaded the service manual, and more search said photo sensor for my model.
These were not high end printers just little home ones. I am guessing most just tossed them if they were out of warranty as there is just nothing on the paper sensor, but loads on them not feeding and how to clean the roller.. As much as I like to fix this one you are the only person to even offer help, which I am thankful you did. If you think of something else please let me know, but it is just not worth taking this in the service center due to the age, I have had this since 09 or 10 so it well past the what little warranty it had!
Unfortunately that is the situation sometimes.

I tend to be cautious about making suggestions because I am a DIY person and tend to start taking things apart.

Most products these days do not support such "activity". And, even worse, break if a fix is even attempted.

Becomes a trade off between the gain of repairing something or possibly bricking it forever.

You are at that point and, if you can afford another printer, you have the freedom to start taking the Samsung printer apart and maybe find something "fixable" relating to the paper feed problem.

As for no one else helping: generally most people here watch and read for the most part - especially an active thread. Still many folks will offer an additional comment or suggestion if and when warranted. (Helps me a lot when I have gone off track......)

Sort of avoids the "too many cooks in the kitchen" situation and can cause more confusion to the OP in many cases.
Hi Ralston 18,
I somewhat know how these forums work as I collect old sewing machines and kitchen stand mixers. I own a couple Yahoo or IO groups as well moderate on some others and a member in many.
I am very thankful you offered help as I am a fixer which is why before I contacted Samsung I have done all the level one things before calling as most of time it is something simple and pulling out the paper and loading would fix or cleaning then paper compartment does fix the problem.
Also these days things are made so many ways unless someone has same model fixed what you having issue with there is not really a way to offer help other then make suggestions. I had hope someone else had this model and dealt with it not seeing paper and could readily answer where this sensor is located. I am not going to junk this one just yet as I still hoping Samsung email support will reply this week also. Again that is a 50/50 deal as many place just say take it in to their shop, and do not offer support to fix it yourself.
Most of all your suggestions were right on the mark of the correct way to try to fix this printer.
Hi Ralston,
Here is a link to break down of parts for the paper area! I cannot find anything that is a paper sensor only the feed one. Maybe you can see what I am over looking as I have gone over these since Sat afternoon the issue started.
As I said maybe you will see something I am not. I do know my question to group and your replies are now top of the search when I type in my model and paper sensor.
The Lever-Actuator Feed Sensor (7.4-2) looks "interesting".

Also has a little spring (7.4-3): I am sure you know how unforgiving little springs can be after lots of use/cycles.

Located next to the rubber pick up (7.4-23) and may fit into one of the notches shown on the Housing-M-Pick-UP (7.4-21) Seems almost to be a cam of some sort. If worn, could be failing to engage.

That sort of leaves me at the point where I would need to be able to start physically working my way into those parts.

Let me know what you find. Thanks.

Hi Ralston 18,
Yes that is what I been looking at, and I did get the printer going this evening. When it jammed on Sat. something got out of sync is about the best I can describe it. Tonight I took a small piece of foam pushed that little trigger in as far as it would go and locked in place with the form. The red light went to orange then green. The printer started but clacking like mad and did not have paper. I rechecked the paper pick up was loose, I locked it back in place, clean it with alcohol, put paper in held the button down until the lights blinked to print a test page. It came out then with no feed issues and I printed off a few more. I plugged the USB cable back in and it printed was still in the cue. I have removed the foam and it now is seeing that has paper and printing once again. I guessing something got hung up. Now if they had listed that little trigger as paper and feed senor I would be not been looking for another sensor. How long with this keep working I do not know, but for now it back to normal. I did see when it wanted to print and there was no paper there is platform towards the back that rises up pushing the paper to make contact with the pick up roller. Something you do really see when the paper is in the machine.
I figured this evening it is a brick now I could not make it more of one by by jamming that little trigger back as far as it could go and making it so it could not move.
While this fixed my printer this may not for others when the printer is saying that there is no paper when there is.
Thanks once again Ralston,
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as the proud owner of an early Samsung ML-2010 that belonged to a neighbor who abandoned the device saying it printed too light and didn't work, when I set it up three years ago it started up like a charm and with a new cartridge, black not automatic fonts, and w/o the toner save option, printed perfectly. I brought the ancient device out to my country house to use with an equally antique I-Mac as my family had decided to bivouac away from NYC. No sooner than I was in true need of the printer to print, than the little red led came on and there was no printing service to be had. Although the print cartridge was Samsung OEM I did discover that the small FF63mAL250VP fuse in the cartridge had blown out. Bought a set of five (5) from McMaster-Carr and also a replacement cartridge. BUT finding your suggestion of jamming a small piece of foam in the slot that houses a small dangling sliver lever at the back of the paper tray and just to the right of the rubber paper roller proved the fix that you found. KUDOS - now what do I do with the multifunction printer I bought today?
So if your Samsung ML-2010 exhibits the small red led, remove the aux tray, take out the toner cartridge, and look for the narrow slot to the right of the gray paper roller, cut a small piece of black foam rubber and gently nudge the foam into the slot pushing the dangling sensor to make its connection (hint: the sensor looks like a guitar pic located inside a small slot)