Question Samsung odyssey g7 restarting problem


Oct 1, 2017
Hello, i have a problem with my samsung odyssey g7 32" (ye, no <Mod Edit> right? 😀 ), that i cant find a solution for... my monitor restarts while gaming if i press push to talk button ( i have scroll lock bind to my mouse) so i could say when i press scroll lock, but that only happens during games! in windows it never happens, i tested it in league for pictures and videos.

so far i tried:
updating monitor (has latest software)
updating graphic drivers ( i have geforce gtx 1080ti)
with or without 2nd monitor, no difference

also problem is not new... at start everything was fine, then it started to blinking, so when i used the button monitor blinked for split sec and then in left upper corner connection status showed up, but now its even worse, blinking was annoying to say at the least for 700€ monitor but now everytime i press the button it "shuts down" for arround 3 sec then connection status in upper right corner shows up and it works normally (untill the next press of the button), same thing also happens when i alt tab the game to use 2nd monitor, and again when i alt tab back to the game...

video and picture added so u can see what im talking about

i really hope someone can help me solve the problem as it is turning me mad already.


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