Samsung Pays Ericsson $650 for Phone Technologies

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@ssalim, It's funny how Tom's site just keeps getting worse. I think developers of this site are actually grade-school students working on a class project.
Change the title.Restore the "back" button to actually go back, not scroll to the next article!Lousy.
Well i actually like the new scroll down to the next article web design thingy for Toms. Instead of scrolling down, you can always click the back button, and click on the next link you want, or right click on the articles and open in new tab. Gives choices as far as i can see. I do like choice.

Apple likely wants enormous sums for licensing its patents. Part of it is probably principle as well. Apple's lawsuits are founded in lies and triviality. Hell they even photoshop courtroom images of Samsung phones to make them look more similar to Apple devices. Apple gets away with murder just because of who they are. Samsung has really only lost one major patent suit to them. My guess is they are actually ahead when it comes to what they would be paying for licensing.
Samsung is a huge copy machine. Everything Samsung makes are copied from other well known brands and basically just takes the best design ideas and tweak them a little. Tell me one thing Samsung introduced that changed the market? Huge curved screens? No been done before.It is actually good to see Samsung actually making patent deals to look less scummy.@JD88 - Good story. Luckily actual products were shown in the courtroom and decision was made with actual hardware in hand and not pictures alone. Also only photochopped the size and not actual look of devices. No doubt Samsung copied. Samsung even copied Apple's packaging!

So basically you're admitting Apple lied in court and saying that it's fine because they showed actual hardware as well? True fanboyism at its finest trying to protect obvious liars and cheaters.

I believe Apple is about to release a phone with a screen over 5 inches. Guess who was the first to do that over two years ago.

Patents for anything online or related to mobile phones really need to have an expiration date of like 6 months from the time they're issued. That's about the speed at which things go from innovative to common knowledge in that realm. Otherwise, all they produce are irrelevant lawsuits over anything and everything.
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