Samsung pm851 ssd won't initialize in windows 10


Oct 5, 2016
I have a 128 GB Samsung pm851 ssd and I cannot get it to initialize in the disk manager.

Neither can I get diskpart to create a primary partition.

Crystal disk mark says the drive is healthy but when I try to initialize or create the part it says there was an I/o device error.

Any help would be appreciated... :pfff:
Hey there, Alec.

Try it with a different port and cables if possible, to see if the same thing happens. You could also give it a go with a different computer as well. Check if there's available firmware update for that SSD model.
Input/output errors a usually a pretty bad sign and you might end up RMAing the drive if nothing seems to be working for you.

Hope that helps.

i didnt mean to downvote your answer sorry but no it didnt help and the drive cant be rma'd apparently
i think im just boned