Samsung S8+ Causing Internet to drop


Jan 25, 2018
Hey guys, this is my first post here so go easy on me please.

So basically we have been having problems with my ADSL2+ internet connection, i was noticing that my phone was causing the internet in my router to drop or slow down to EXTREMELY SLOW to the point where i get 1300+ ping in games. im quite confident that it is the phone because i have been using my 4g phone data for the past couple of days and there has been no drop outs but as soon as i connect my phone to my home WiFi it starts acting up within 5-10 minutes to about 1.5 hours after i connect it. i also called my ISP and they had nailed it down to apparently their are high Upload speeds coming from the phone but i checked the usage on the phone and there doesn't seem to be anything uploading, even in the background.

Things iv tried:
Changing wireless channel on my router.
Changing from 802.11 b/g/n mixed to 802.11n.
Tried making the phone forget the Router and reconnect to it.
Turned the router off and letting it sit for 5 minutes.

none of them seem to have worked and im so confused and id love a helping hand.

Thank you
On the phone, in settings/connections/more connection settings, do you have Download booster on as it uses Wifi & Data at the same time? that might be cause?

I only have an S7 Edge and I assume you are on Android 7 still?

That seems odd, would have thought Router would share signal between all devices and not let one have too much.