News Samsung Showcases Advanced 3nm Chips to U.S., South Korea Presidents

I'm really excited by this. FinFET was a huge leap for transistors and this is an even bigger one IMO. There are so many parameters that can be tweaked in these gates to yield different transistor behavior. I wonder how flexible this 1st gen will be, and likewise how optimized the EDA tools are.
Samsung's wafer yield lies are so egregious, the South Korean Government is currently investigating them AGAIN. Samsung's Vice Chairman (Lee Jae Yong) was just released from prison for embezzlement and bribery and had to be given a special pardon to meet with Biden.

Samsung 3nm yields are still in the 20% range, and anything Samsung claims to the contrary, are lies (forward looking statements), by their own admission. They have repeatedly and continuously lied about their 5nm, 4nm, and 3nm yields, and after recently getting caught lying, admitted they were lying to their wafer customers, now suddenly we are supposed to believe they have miraculously improved yields.

TSMC doesn’t start production until yields are around 70%, and shortly after production mature yields are around 90%.

The truth will be revealed soon enough, when both Samsung and Intel are forced to admit that their latest and most overly promised nodes are late, and then late again, and for the 3rd time late again, and ....
Maybe they forgot to inform that the chip on demo is the only working chip that they are got out of the entire wafer. Getting a working chip out is difficult, but getting good yields is more important.