Samsung SSD 850 EVO - booting windows 8.1 problem


Dec 2, 2015
so i got a really weird problem with my new ssd, i installed a fresh install of windows 8.1 and everything worked fine for a couple of days and now i got a problem...
when i boot my pc up it loads normally but when i see my log in screen or desktop it shuts down like it has not enough power but when i hard reset it it works just fine...
it is just really weird i have to boot my pc twice everyday.

can someone help me with this or give me some tips i already have contacted Samsung but they say it is more a windows problem.

thank you for atleast reading this,


Yes i have AHCI mode on and i will test it with ide today i will give the resulst afternoon


okay i have tested it and it doesn't change a bit.
and i discovered something.
it happens in a loop, i mean when i boot after a while pc stops, than reboot pc works, reboot pc stops again. and this happens in a continuous loop.
it is just really strange... and when im booting in the 'error' one i can't acces my bios too.