I moved the SSD to a SATA2 port and followed the clone process again (I couldnt use secure erase as that is not supported in win8). The migration completed successfully (including verification). I rebooted and set BIOS to boot to the SSD and it did. Disk manager now shows the SSD as the boot drive (I still have the old drive if ever needed). I just opened Adobe Elements 11 organiser and it was almost instantaneous
I ran the magician performance tests (on SATA2) and compared them with my Samsung HDD. I've also included the values from the SSD when on SATA3 (so may look for a better SATA3 card if real world use justifies it). First number is HDD, second is SDD SATA2, 3rd is SDD SATA3. All are MB/s
Seq Read 45, 224, 401
Seq Wrte 56, 239, 246
Random Rd IOPS 216, 8581, 58757
Random Write IOPS 261, 21028, 44302