I've been googling for ages but I feel like I'm the only person who's ever had this problem.
I bought the Samsung 840 OEM SSD and supplied my own sata to usb cable (a vantec one).
When running the samsung data migration and getting to the verify source disk and samsung ssd page
it just wont detect. It did detect earlier today, but half way through the migration a defrag error came up which aborted it, now i'm getting nothing.
Anything i can do to fix this? Im starting to think the SSD is faulty
EDIT: different migration software wont detect it either
I bought the Samsung 840 OEM SSD and supplied my own sata to usb cable (a vantec one).
When running the samsung data migration and getting to the verify source disk and samsung ssd page
Anything i can do to fix this? Im starting to think the SSD is faulty
EDIT: different migration software wont detect it either