Hi, I bought an r9 290 tri-x and its over kill for 1080p. I figure I could spend ~700 for a Samsung ud590 UHD monitor, or buy a good 1440p. I look at it like this, most 1440p monitors are TN panels, and for a little bit extra money, why not get UHD, I have the advantage to work on UHD, and lower the resolution to 1440p if I need it.. So I figured upgrade to the UHD model, and I could always reduce output resolution to 1440p for games if I have to; would that cause any issues?. Another issue is I love IPS/PLS panels, they have excellent colors they're sleek compared to TN) So I feel like if we compare TN panels the UHD always wins, but if we compare it to 1440ips it is harder for me to judge what I want more I like the look of Samsung series 9 but I'm not spending 1000. So what are your thoughts on this situation TN(UHD)VS TN1440P VS IPS1440P. if you know of excellent monitors please post it.