Hello, all I'm posting this here in the event someone else somewhere has the same issue.
So it all started when the TV was powering itself off randomly, I didn't think much of it, I would just turn it right back on, it was annoying but eh, I lived. Then it got to the point where I'd have to pull the power cable out and plug it back in for the unit to turn on again. After about a week or two of doing that the unit powered itself off and never came back on, pulling the power cable out and plugging it back in no longer worked. I'd like to add, there's no power LED coming on at the front of the panel, no sort power being used or indication the unit has power. I may split the power cable apart tomorrow and read how many amps are being drawn with my Fluke multimeter, my guess is 0.
I figured the power board went out. I came across lots of threads where caps had blown and that was the culprit. Well, long story short, I bought this TV used on Craigslist and was told I had a 60 day warranty, problem was, I couldn't risk shipping the TV because he couldn't insure it due to not having the original box. That brings us to how I ended up with two of these same TVs, one is a broken screen unit that powers on, the other has a good screen that doesn't power on. A simple swap of the power board should have my unit with the good screen working, that didn't work.
So I swapped the power boards between the TVs(both same model to remind you) and the unit with the broken screen powered right up. That ruled out the power board(I forgot to mention visual inspection revealed no blown capacitors, a digital multimeter also showed no issues). Then I figured it had to be the main board, I swapped the mainboards and STILL, the unit with the good screen didn't power up. At this point I had swapped the mainboard and powerboards between TVs, the unit with the broken screen powered right up with the parts I suspected to have failed. So I'm somewhat confused at that point. Then, wiggling things around, the TV with the good screen powers up! I then attempt to flip the screen upward(it was screen side down) to get a look at it and it shuts off instantly.
That's where I have left off, I think there may be a loose ground within the unit. The other thing I'm thinking of is that there's a problem with the wiring within the plastic speaker housing, perhaps there's an small amplifier in there that is causing an issue. I also swapped the power buttons between the units to rule that out as well. I noticed a very small hum that I could eliminate by tapping around lighting on the area of this speaker housing, that's why I suspect a problem inside there. The noise can also be shut off by disconnecting a small two wire harness/jumper that branches off of the main power switch and runs into the speaker housing I have mentioned.
The habit of not being able to leave things unsolved in me wanted to keep working on the TVs but I had to go and pick up my daughter. Tomorrow I will dig deeper into the hardware of these TVs but at the moment I have disclosed everything I've tried. I have also pulled the batteries out of the remotes to avoid any sort of foul signals causing me problems. I wlll update this tomorrow.
Again, this is mainly being posted for awareness. I did quite a bit of digging and didn't come back with much information, just more questions really. Hopefully this will help someone out there, who knows, maybe somebody here has some sort of advice or is familiar with this when it comes to TVs.
Thanks to whoever read this!
So it all started when the TV was powering itself off randomly, I didn't think much of it, I would just turn it right back on, it was annoying but eh, I lived. Then it got to the point where I'd have to pull the power cable out and plug it back in for the unit to turn on again. After about a week or two of doing that the unit powered itself off and never came back on, pulling the power cable out and plugging it back in no longer worked. I'd like to add, there's no power LED coming on at the front of the panel, no sort power being used or indication the unit has power. I may split the power cable apart tomorrow and read how many amps are being drawn with my Fluke multimeter, my guess is 0.
I figured the power board went out. I came across lots of threads where caps had blown and that was the culprit. Well, long story short, I bought this TV used on Craigslist and was told I had a 60 day warranty, problem was, I couldn't risk shipping the TV because he couldn't insure it due to not having the original box. That brings us to how I ended up with two of these same TVs, one is a broken screen unit that powers on, the other has a good screen that doesn't power on. A simple swap of the power board should have my unit with the good screen working, that didn't work.
So I swapped the power boards between the TVs(both same model to remind you) and the unit with the broken screen powered right up. That ruled out the power board(I forgot to mention visual inspection revealed no blown capacitors, a digital multimeter also showed no issues). Then I figured it had to be the main board, I swapped the mainboards and STILL, the unit with the good screen didn't power up. At this point I had swapped the mainboard and powerboards between TVs, the unit with the broken screen powered right up with the parts I suspected to have failed. So I'm somewhat confused at that point. Then, wiggling things around, the TV with the good screen powers up! I then attempt to flip the screen upward(it was screen side down) to get a look at it and it shuts off instantly.
That's where I have left off, I think there may be a loose ground within the unit. The other thing I'm thinking of is that there's a problem with the wiring within the plastic speaker housing, perhaps there's an small amplifier in there that is causing an issue. I also swapped the power buttons between the units to rule that out as well. I noticed a very small hum that I could eliminate by tapping around lighting on the area of this speaker housing, that's why I suspect a problem inside there. The noise can also be shut off by disconnecting a small two wire harness/jumper that branches off of the main power switch and runs into the speaker housing I have mentioned.
The habit of not being able to leave things unsolved in me wanted to keep working on the TVs but I had to go and pick up my daughter. Tomorrow I will dig deeper into the hardware of these TVs but at the moment I have disclosed everything I've tried. I have also pulled the batteries out of the remotes to avoid any sort of foul signals causing me problems. I wlll update this tomorrow.
Again, this is mainly being posted for awareness. I did quite a bit of digging and didn't come back with much information, just more questions really. Hopefully this will help someone out there, who knows, maybe somebody here has some sort of advice or is familiar with this when it comes to TVs.
Thanks to whoever read this!