Sandy Bridge i5 to i7 upgrade opinion


Aug 3, 2015
I'm using Lenovo M92p with i5 3550 in it. According to specifications, best supported CPU is i7 3770 (not K version).

Is it significant difference? I use PC for rendering (Sketchup, Blender) and some gaming. If it is under 10%, it doesn't pay off since used 3770 costs around 120 EUR. Gaming is not an issue, but I would like to speed-up the rendering in the 3d programs (some of which rely on CPU solely).
Well for blender the best I can do is guess, I found some benchmarks but not any that include those two specific cpus. This bench below includes haswell cpu's so I will base my guess off the performance difference between the i5 4690k and the i7 4790k at stock clocks in blender. The 4690k rendered their example in 78 seconds while the 4790k did it in 48 seconds, I would expect a similar performance delta between the i5 3550 and i7 3770 maybe even a bit larger than that.


true :)
everything that significantly cuts down rendering time and costs below 200 EUR is improvement 😀